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Everything posted by EarthwormJim

  1. and we'd all wear matching jumpsuits with our full names and lifetime occupation (allocated at birth of course) on said jumpsuits. oh and the government is god, anyone who asks questions is killed for treason
  2. im sorry, but he is allowed to make a backhanded and ignorant comment about his god and political beleifs and when i try and register my offence with him i get censored? wow REAL fair
  3. how is typing in a gramatically correct fashion dumbing yourself down? furthermore, how does centering all of your posts and missing every second line make you more intelligent? oh riiight, 14. i get it your a biiiig teenager now so you must know EVERYTHING right? my bad douche..
  4. *keep religious beliefs to yourself. Thank you.*
  5. no, you stop yourself from looking like a dumb kid who is so desperate to stand out that he formats his text in an eye catchingly different way in the hopes that people go "wow this guy is cool, he centres his posts, i wish i was him" when the actual effect is "look at this moronic attention seeker pathetically trying to gain our respect" like that
  6. incase you couldnt tell from the pictures. a scratch plate is the plate on the guitar, in that picture its the bit with the dragon on it. and a floating bridge is a bridge with a whammy bar that is lifted slightly off the body of the guitar (or sometimes has a gap underneath it to produce the same effect) it allows you to not only push down on the whammy but also pull on it so it tightens the strings instead of slackening them to produce a different sound. you should really know all this stuff before you go buying an electric guitar
  7. or a sense of humor above chimpanzee level... and for the record, centering all your posts makes you look like an attention seeking tool
  8. EarthwormJim

    Audio Help

    i have vista and i have no problems running.. well anything. everything works fine
  9. seeing as shes fifteen and your profile says thirty two i think we should all be a little bit oncerned by this last post.
  10. just coz he goes through a portal doesnt mean he loses any momentum, he would still die so joke not funny. if however you were to make a picture of a portal exactly where the plane hits the first tower and another portal on the opposite side of the second tower THEN some sort of statement coming from the pilots "allah allah, what th- *boom*. god dammit valve!" or somthing like that theeeeen you would have a joke. why do i always do this?
  11. i know, i just posted the youtube version so people wouldnt have to leave the site to see it because it is inconveniant. and angelo, why do we need to move this conversation? its fine where it is, unless of course you feel the need to unnesesarily excersize your topic locking finger. and DK, theres a difference between a large peice of rock and an extremely high tech robot who in all honesty is probably adding to his own propulsion (because gravity is never enough) and is equipped with a vast array of weapons and made from a material that is prettymuch equivalent to wolverines skeleton. and yet again we come to the fact that GODILLA IS OF BELOW AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE. and by average i mean take all the animals in the world (excluding any speceis that might be self aware like dolphins or humans because that would make godzilla look even dumber) add their mental capacitys together and divide that by the number of animals you added together and godzilla would STILL be lower than that because he is a lizard and lizards are thick
  12. well i think that the response from 99% of the members would be "yes" or "who gives a s**t ive never even met you people" (dont take that as an insult, thats just my weird sense of humor poking its wee head out yet again) and seeing as the latter wasnt an option im sure that any of the people who would have leaned in that direction would settle with yes because there is no intelligent reason (other than if onr of you two didnt want to know) for not trlling us after youv already started a thread about it. my logic is flawless, isnt it frustrating? anyway PLACE ALL BETS. i got 20 bucks on it being one of each
  13. dont do any of it and tell your mum to listen to better music because frankly it is apalling that a grown woman could be entertained by those three
  14. why not? thats a serious question by the way
  15. in real life somone of docs mental capacity would have NO trouble at all ripping off terrorists and getting away with it. terrorist orginisations arent nearly as smart or as organised as the media makes them out to be. the vast majority are only ever taught one thing their entire lives "god is great so you should kill yourself for him" and the funny thing is that im NOT EXAGGERATING. that statement actually sums up the alquaeda curriculum and leaves abdsolutely nothing undisclosed except for maybe "and americans are evil because their religion is SLIGHTLY different from our own and therefore evil" and for the love of everything dont say somthing like "if theyr so stupid then how did they manage to pull off 9/11" because you really dont want to hear my explination in full, really. thats right kids, the subject is terrorism while completely avoiding that whole "twin tower" issue. sorry lukiseer but you just got hijacked (YES i know its kind of in bad taste coz i was talking about 9/11 and this picture is taken on a plane but for f**ks sake just run with it, its a funny picture)
  16. the best thing to take away from this is learn from what the judges said, even if you think they were being as**oles im sure there was a legitimate reason for him saying that rather than him just being an as**ole and marking you down for not practising enough wich he should be completely indifferent about if you guys played an awesome show. i have to say i can se where he might have been coming from. in my experience 3 days isnt nearly enough to rehearse for a show, im going on the assumption tht this was new material for you guys as well because if it wasnt new then obviously youv practised it before . anyway, what im saying is i would imagine picking up new material, learning all the parts and playing together untill you are so tight you can play with your eyes closed (otherwise known as "stage ready performance") would be incredibly difficult to do in 3 days. dont think im bagging on you, im just trying to give you some extra perspective wich as a budding musician is an incredibly valuable thing. im interested to see the performance on video dude
  17. why would you have to wait untill your 92? that was a stupid thing to say. anyways gta 3 is way outated, cant you just cope with it as i and stick with vice city or san andreas like the rest of us?
  18. basically the premise of the map is you pick a male or female character and roleplay highschool students, and youd think people would try to make this even the slightest bit realistic, or at least the creator would have added some sort of POINT or GOAL to this map, but no. 90% of people who play it are grown men who like to act like 16 year old flirtatious anime girls. iv only played it once and left withing 5 minutes after establishing all of this. its the stupidest map on battle.net its worse than DOTA. its kinda pathetic incase you still havent gotten the joke here, i was taking a stab at a certain "split personality" we have here.
  19. its a map on battle net for warcraft 3. dont worry
  20. for those of you who havent heard that song before, there IS a video. as for that fight, it was the old prime, he was being nice and not using any of his weapons, while godzilla was being a c**t and using all his bower