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A good buy?

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Seems like a bargain to me. There are only about 2 DeLoreans in Russia, you can guess how much one costs :P

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A thing I learnt about people - if they are desperate for money, they will sell something precious to them for a price that will make them cry.

And I do not suppose that making it mint again will cost even close to 18 kilopounds.

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He has good spelling to "descroption".

Problem with buying something like that is you never no quite the extent of the damage/problems until you poke around it in detail. Looks like one of the door hydraulic cylinders is dead to. If you do go for it make sure you look around it fully. I don't think he will be desperate to get rid of it he looks like a car dealer unless he is randomly selling like 10 cars at the same time.

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Well, I've been looking at the financing prices on delorean.com and noticed I can afford a preowned one.

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that is ridiculously expensive for what it is. deloreans over here average at about 15 to 20 grand. and there are about 2.5 NZD to a British Pound so that delorean is roughly 26.5 grand in NZD.

so over here thats ridiculously expensive but if thats below average prce for the UK then go nuts, i hope you dont live in london though because a delorean is possibly the most un economical car you can have

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that is ridiculously expensive for what it is. deloreans over here average at about 15 to 20 grand. and there are about 2.5 NZD to a British Pound so that delorean is roughly 26.5 grand in NZD.

so over here thats ridiculously expensive but if thats below average prce for the UK then go nuts, i hope you dont live in london though because a delorean is possibly the most un economical car you can have

really? here i havent seen one for less than $40k

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Don't buy it just because its close the the DMC-12 that was used in the trilogy (1982 model I think that was) because that would be a waste of money.

I know where all fans here, but buying a car just because it is similar to what was used in the movies is kind of taking it too far.

Besides, you'd never be allowed to get it upto 88mph anyway, lol. :P

Edited by Billz

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lol, billz i dont think you quite understand the extent of some of the other members fandom. its a bit scary

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Some may go way farther than you could possibly imagine. Up to the point of legally changing one's name to "Qui-Gonn Jin" and stating the nationality as "Elf"

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That wasn't EVERYONE. Only one person was, two persons were wearing heavily modified versions of the proton pack, one was carrying a Lancer and two were armed with lightsabres. It's not THAT crazy :P

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