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Status Updates posted by gtavicecity

  1. At first I thought he would say "I want to know what love is" lol jajajaja.

    1. Thyncho88


      I want you to Show me!! jajajaja

  2. You have good taste in music

  3. Yes I hate that music.Is the worst

  4. "You are a Advenced Members"!

  5. Why do you have negative numbers on the quantity of "post"?

  6. Hahaha that video I'll never forget, thanks for posting this.

  7. Really you're very lucky with the numbers

  8. Happy Birthday Ashley+

  9. Thank you RobertBlox!! :D

  10. You have entered my profile on 30 August 2012 - 10:55, but your last comment is of the 9 September 2012 - 18:34.

    How is this possible?

  11. Happy Birthday!

    I hope you have a wonderful day! :D

  12. Lol! That's credible, it's a good cause :D

    Also it was an inexplicable fact.

  13. Lol that avatar is amazing!

  14. I like your New Avatar!

    It looks Great! :D

  15. Happy Birthday! :D

    Have a nice day! :D

  16. Casi todos creen que el tiempo es como un río que fluye seguro y veloz en una sola dirección, pero yo le he visto la cara al tiempo y os puedo asegurar que están equivocados. El tiempo es un océano en la tormenta. Os preguntareis quien soy y porque afirmo esto. Sentaos, y os narraré una historia que nunca antes habréis escuchado...