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0.2f DeLorean Evolution

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gmc value van is not to its full potential, I call that a bug XD

rc reload, hook reload.

Edited by ~Leaf~

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Wow took you a week to think of those. Your brains works faster than a nuns first curry :P

Edited by Dave27

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Care to specify on the GMC van, rc reload and hook reload? you say those are problems but don't say exactly what the problem with them is.

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its a very very bad thing to reload cars, when you swap a car with another it has stability issues.

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Please stop complaining, they are all trying to make a better DeLorean model and it is in fact better than the previous one!!!

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Blue is gone.. plain and simple so just deal with it and stop being an ass.

I know you are but what am I? :rolleyes:

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You really like that start a fight about everything do you?

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