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Anti-matter chopsticks..

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@ orcgon, My last religious statement, I promise. God states that he has never had a begging or an ending. God is a creature beyond logic and the laws of physics, of course because he wrote them. If he is truly a creature beyond our understanding,as he's said, it's best we shut up about the logic and physics towards him. any way that's my last statement of religion, and I appologize for getting so religious it won't happen again.

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It really is the best way to make someone stop thinking about the beginning about something: It is beyond your understanding. And I don't mean this as something wrong or anything. It works, more or less, to people who are okay to live without knowing answers. Ok, I'm quiet about this. From now on, that is.

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that's sort of my point. but I still do have my religion any way, go back to the topic.

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If someone figures it out a black hole will open in his toilet.

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See? A human mind can not comprehend this :P

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well did you know that if god were discovered suddenly he would not exist how good is that. well when you think about we might not know everything about the laws of physics and how do we know that universes have mysteriously always existed and maybe our universe is one in millions. sort of like galaxies all orbiting bigger and bigger universes. nothing can be proven properly until we know all of the facts.

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You guys do know talking about religion is against the rules right :P

Anyways remember this:

Energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed. For this reason the energy needed to create the Universe has always been available. However, how it became available will always be a scientific mystery.

Ironically though, I myself believe the reason an answer is unavailable is because the Human Mind was created to NOT go beyond it's own understanding and existence. Which is why trying to picture nothing before something not only gives headaches but always fails to register in Visual Thought (as-in picturing it in your head)

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we don't know the full mechanics of the universe it would be like decided to service your own car with out any knowledge on how to do it. its impossible to know how something works without being able to look at the whoel thing and there is only so much of the universe which we can actually see hence its impossible to know. maybe energy is just one of those forces which has always been around but it works in different ways depending on the laws of the universe you are in.

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Personally any proof of what happened in the crazy universe doesn't matter to me at least. So why stretch your brain when it's none of your f*ckin concern. Sex, beer, pizza and Work in that order.

For the God-Emperor!!!! ooops religion I mean adventure, excitement a Jedi craves not these things. :P

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well like dk said "I myself believe the reason an answer is unavailable is because the Human Mind was created to NOT go beyond it's own understanding and existence." that's why you can't put god and the laws of physics in comparison.

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I like the theory that within the multiverse two universes' boundaries had collided with each other and had created our universe. One universe was made of Anti-matter, the other regular matter, thus creating a universe that consists of both.

Edited by Joe Statler

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The joke is ...Kryton is holding Antimatter chopsticks in the pic Mike posted! How did you not get that? :huh:

Erm... i got it but i dont see how its supposed to be funny or a joke. :blink:

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Its was a comedy title related to both the OP topic and the fictional content of the Red Dwarf episode.

It wasn't supposed to be an hilarious joke that got ppl rolling around in stitches, it was just supposed to make you think! :mellow:

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