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Everything posted by ELBdelorean

  1. In my opinion, these apology threads are never necessary. Just don't do whatever you did again. If you keep that up, people's thoughts on you will change.
  2. Looks like you have :EIDI_CLEAN labeled as :EIDI_CLEANUP I'm a beginner at this, but let me know if this helps Or maybe you don't have :EIDI_CLEAN showing there...I'm honestly just throwing a wild guess.
  3. Plan 9 from Outer Space? :P

  4. At least they didn't become a*sholes or something.
  5. Perfect. Sounds like an Ed Wood movie.
  6. I asked a few people about it and got good feedback. For anyone wishing to see the GM, go here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=11815
  7. ELBdelorean

    Eco Car

    Why is everything so heavy in the future?
  8. Eat food. Leave the plate on the ground. Have your oven explode and kill you. Do it all over again.
  9. Tried it once...meh... P.S. Wrong section
  10. This topic should've closed after this post.
  11. That's another problem you should look in to. I would recommend the bug tracker.
  12. I think it's shift+space to open the doors. This isn't the right section. You could've also read the readme which the mod team so nicely prepared. EDIT: Never mind, apparently it's Shift+C (Sprint+Camera) Do the tutorial next time and post in the right section. This forum would be such a better place if people payed attention.
  13. I think we'll give this a couple more days, unless you guys are settled on free-roam, that is.
  14. The thing I said about the mod being delayed every time someone said something was a joke...I didn't think it would cause this much argument. (Actually, I think the arguing about that is over but I thought I'd post this regardless.)
  15. I was just kidding...if it makes you feel any better.