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Everything posted by crazyjointje

  1. Dude instead of calling it a super sayin just call it what it is. A dude who really needs a haircut and needs to stop nipple twist himself while growing his hair.
  2. I vote for myself because i rock the to death .
  3. I can't help it. That's what she said!!!
  4. I don't see the point of doing something that takes 10 times the effort instead of just buying a TV...
  5. I can't resist. THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!
  6. Haha, you don't get that problem if you use my webbrowser XD.
  7. I would be very interested to know what you guys are getting, i remember we were all very exited here when my sis was pregnant. PS You should consider votin g the same as EWJ because he was right too about my sis .
  8. *ahem* That's what she said. And good luck with making them.
  9. Oh i forgot to mention they gave me a USB Flashdrive bracelet. It's pretty awesome .
  10. Thanks DK. The video's aren't on their website, i think because the competition insn't over yet and i forgot to mention that when we did the soundcheck we had our music turned up loud, when we were supposed to play they turned it way down while everyone was loud :S.
  11. Finally, it has been 2 weeks and my internet is fixed so im back. We did the show and we were epic, the judges told us that they thought we were rockstars. When the dude heard we practiced for 3 days he started saying s**t like: ''Oh, well in that case it's not that good.'' So that made no sense at all. We didn't even make the top 3, the people who made the top 3 were people who al like 30 years old. And it's a school competition, what the hell did those guys do? f**k up their exams for the past 16 years? Anywho, we were kickass and we played kickass while we only practiced for 3 days. I will check their website now to see if i can download the movie of us playing.
  12. I know Hammerfall, i just don't like their music. And for the record, i don't listen to Revolution Renaisance all day. It was a song i found and i liked it. And stop poopooing my songs, i don't give a flying s**t about what you guys say is great and what's not.
  13. EDIT: @DK I got a karaokeplayer that can play laserdiscs. I got one movie for it and several karaoke discs. The movie is Saturday Night Fever.
  14. Why are you wasting your time searching for a downgrader? Just download the 1.0 version of San Andreas and you're good to go.
  15. Ok, just got back from bandpractice. I was trying something on the drums that sounded way better than the crappy beat the other dude came up with and i wrote a second guitar riff. Now all we need is the Rapper to finally show up so we can hear the lyrics (if he wrote them...).
  16. No. We're writing our own song. It's awesome.