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Everything posted by ~Leaf~

  1. thats a drawing? i thought it was E.T. srry man lol
  2. The food sucks,the service sucks,did i mention the food sucks?
  3. can we wish for the death of a certain someone.....
  4. @ angelo the paths are in the game for sa but i need to learn how to add peds @ grim ,i think so
  5. ~Leaf~

    Dragon King

    Godspeed Dragon King, and good luck to the both of you
  6. this s**t makes me laugh every time
  7. i'm not really great with maps but i might eventually try replacing it with hv map or adding hav maps in somewhere
  8. well if sol ran then i'd try it
  9. hahha just like me XD cant wait for the next
  10. Looks like Ziero is taking my role at being an ASS HOLE! ,I happen to like his model it seens to have potential in the modeling of something different that they haven't already done,I'd like to see more of your work,try and model something else
  11. hahha ....idk i might ,you cant even get the original working
  12. he can always come and look at it later ,you should post your suggestion and what do you mean finally useful
  13. cant be any worse then mine edit: nvm his is twice as big
  14. nope cant have my graphics card,thanks for the support,the animations are inccluded in SAiVC edit: and i have know idea about the requirements bulls**t i had to fix everything you try to throw a f***ing scm in there it will crash!
  15. didn't someone promise to jump off the empire state building if it was a joke?,i'm still waiting for that
  16. lol i look like a mad scientist //or solid snake *heheh*
  17. I have been working on this for about a week Started from beta 1 and made my way up to 0.2d ,0.2e is still in progress of being converted. heres a preview:
  18. i see, well thanks for the brief history lesson