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Everything posted by Fishy-Fish

  1. Well, what can you expect? Nerdman IS a piece of nonsense..
  2. Hmm... Not the same version I wanted. Nevermind. I could just make it myself. Thanks for the ideas..
  3. Thanks a lot!! Kinda loud and I don't really like the beginning part (the part of the movie where they talk) but I can edit it. EDIT: Tried editing it, but the song's quality was altered because it was made too loud. Do you have a quieter version (with guitar solo from BTTF2) with no quality loss? I can make it louder if I wanted.
  4. Well, I don't. Anywhere I can download it?
  5. Dude, where'd you download these?
  6. Holy crap.. TWO scms at once? Was it unstable at all?
  7. I was thinking that the re-entry times could be realistic. On the first time travel experiment with the BTTF1 Del, did you see how fast it re-entered? And the BTTF2 delorean re-entry would be fine. Then with the BTTF3 Del (rr and regular) I could change the sound...
  8. Okay genius. Since you're such a smart-mouth, why don't you tell me how to do it? Give me the exact steps, exact code on how to do it And Yes, I know how to code with Sanny Builder (a little)..
  9. I need to know HOW first of all. And mind your attitude. I'm just asking for some help and if it's possible.
  10. Is there any way to change the re-entry speeds for the Deloreans? Like, make the Delorean re-entry explosions faster?
  11. Well, obviously that would be changed.. But I see your point. Oh well
  12. How about making BIFF drive the BTTF2 delorean (like in the ride) and use Doc's lastest invention (DMC-13 Delorean TM)? I think it would be more realistic. And Doc could explain about the new thing (not very based on the thing). Like this would be how it goes... Doc goes off to fetch the DMC-13 TM. Marty: Whoa, Doc! It looks incredible! How'd you make it? Doc: Nevermind that now Marty, just get in the car... And so on and so forth.. Whatcha think of the idea???!!
  13. Awesome Me and my class had to do the play Macbeth a few weeks ago
  14. Umm sorry for being a total noob... But anyway, where's the Team's Photobucket page??
  15. Fishy-Fish

    Camera Hack Tut

    Yeah, they work fine. But occasionally with free look, it gets a little glitchy. When it does, all you gotta do is turn free look off, disable Cam Hack and reenable it.
  16. Fishy-Fish

    Camera Hack Tut

    Either one you prefer... I use Free Look because I can move the position of the camera anywhere I want..