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What was Doc Thinking?

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Okay The Doc is obviously extremely intelligent. He invented a Time Machine for god's sake! But here's the problem... What in the heck gave him the idea that it would be a good thing to cheat Libyan TERRORISTS? Yeah, they gave me a whole case of freaking PLUTONIUM, but I'm gonna give them a shoddy bomb casing filled with used Pinball Machine Parts... That's an intelligent idea... Maybe Strickland was right... Maybe doc is just plain old bonkers... lol...

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in real life somone of docs mental capacity would have NO trouble at all ripping off terrorists and getting away with it. terrorist orginisations arent nearly as smart or as organised as the media makes them out to be. the vast majority are only ever taught one thing their entire lives "god is great so you should kill yourself for him" and the funny thing is that im NOT EXAGGERATING. that statement actually sums up the alquaeda curriculum and leaves abdsolutely nothing undisclosed

except for maybe "and americans are evil because their religion is SLIGHTLY different from our own and therefore evil"

and for the love of everything dont say somthing like "if theyr so stupid then how did they manage to pull off 9/11" because you really dont want to hear my explination in full, really.

thats right kids, the subject is terrorism while completely avoiding that whole "twin tower" issue.

sorry lukiseer but


you just got hijacked

(YES i know its kind of in bad taste coz i was talking about 9/11 and this picture is taken on a plane but for f**ks sake just run with it, its a funny picture)

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Uh...time machine? Plutonium? Plutonium costs a lot of cash. He already spent much on building the DeLorean. Other than cash, he needs to have a license to possess it, which will be from hard to accomplish to impossible. Since he learned the terrorists stole plutonium, he took the chance.

And what EWJ said.

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Find me a better way to get plutonium in a small town and I will post a smiley face.

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Is it meant to be funny? :huh: Anyway, Twin Towers has nothing to do with Doc. Brown in my opinion

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just coz he goes through a portal doesnt mean he loses any momentum, he would still die so joke not funny.

if however you were to make a picture of a portal exactly where the plane hits the first tower and another portal on the opposite side of the second tower THEN some sort of statement coming from the pilots "allah allah, what th- *boom*. god dammit valve!" or somthing like that theeeeen you would have a joke.

why do i always do this?

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The reason why I think it wasn't funny is the fact that it's a picture of a guy right before his death. 9/11 and twin towers aside, anybody that tries to make a funny picture out of a picture of someone about to die deserves to get their @ss kicked.

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or a sense of humor above chimpanzee level...

and for the record, centering all your posts makes you look like an attention seeking tool

Edited by EarthwormJim

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