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It's a CLEO script though, isn't it.

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CLEO still hates my box, for some reason.

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But I <3 my box. It's got dual cores, and a nice ATI card....that's from last year. Which pretty much means it's ancient. It's an ATI Radeon 2600 HD Pro. But it runs SA (and used to run VC....until one day when it just quit) just fine....without mods.

And, well I've tried KR too, but that doesn't work either. Nor does the BTTF one. (Of course, I tried the two mods separately, I wasn't stupid enough to add them both in at the same time.) Though, having said that I haven't tried the new update yet from this mod. But i know that the v 0.1.1 of the mini mod doesn't work on my box.

EDIT : I'm sure it's the scripts, because when I have CLEO installed on it's own without mods, it works just fine. >_>

Edited by TWG

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get a new card maybe?

You really think that might be the problem? I mean the card works pretty well, it runs a lot of other games just fine, CoD 4, WAW, Mass Effect, ect. I can't see how adding a few CLEO scripts into a game would have anything to do with the card.

Though having said that, the VC mod requires....a dual core with an uber card to run. So idk.

Edited by TWG

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thats beautiful blue

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you attach wheel to the car like my first anim but with no lags that 's great

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CLEO still hates my box, for some reason.

I think I know your problem there. I had a similar problem once -- CLEO not working well for me whenever I install just one CLEO script -- and it is ENTIRELY fixable. I can help you there if you make a topic about it. :)

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