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Everything posted by EarthwormJim

  1. anyone elses bulls**t detector pounding them in the back of the head right now? i first saw the trilogy when i was about 6 or so, it didnt exactly grasp me at the time, i probably wasnt paying proper attention to be honest. but the second time i saw them i was about 12 and it struck a bit of a chord with me, and i might as well have been watching them for the first time. shortly after that i discovered that you could mod grand theft auto, first mod i ever installed was the bttf1 delorean into GTA3, and i understand it was later converted to VC or somthing and the delorean were using now is like the great great grandson of that first delorean. iv been playing the mod since VCXXL but didnt actually sign up to the forums untill a few months before 0.2c came out, that was back at moddb.. wow that was AGES ago
  2. yes usually, but i am an as**ole
  3. because its a video game and the creators put little to know thought into the real life operations of the equipment as they just need it to look pretty and movie accurate....
  4. its kinda more realistic handling than vice city actually... driving in VC is like driving a peice of soap. dont immediately jump on the defensive guys, this mod has only JUST had its first version released, and if you look back to our first version this one is quite a bit of an improvement. just sayin' but yeah at the moment the VC mod is vastly better, but thats debateably because of the time that has been put into it and in all honesty the crysis engine appears to have far more potential than the vice city one
  5. yeah this has happened before, its a pretty sad attempt at theft really the name of the guy "lukas0075" rings a bell, any members here with names like that?
  6. that wont be cheap. but im not gonna say no
  7. thats what they CLAIMED to have done but who knows
  8. emo, actually read the whole article and make sure you understand it before you post. i just thought this was interesting, im not agreeing with it or anything as its obviously been mostly disproved. but thats how hypothesising works. the fact is we wont know untill we have the technology to actually get up close and personal with one, wich wont be for a very long time. chances are theyr exactly what we think they are though..
  9. i need a scanner, if i had one i would post my stuff
  10. no games or movies are banned in america, every time they try then people just play the constitution card. i wish i could do that
  11. nah, everyones prettymuch on solid ground with abortion over here, its legal and its the parents decision up untill the fourth month or somthing. im talking about violent video games and suchlike, i know manhunt and postal 2 are banned, but i dont think theres much else
  12. just came across this article about how some scientists are beginning to theorise that black holes dont exist give it a read and discuss http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/geekend/?p=226 and please, dont bring up god. nobody wants to hear it
  13. they hardly ever ban things over here, unles the hippies act up and there are alot of hippies
  14. iv only played the game of the first movie but never the less the transformations looked really good for a ps2 game. go look for yourself. they actually made an effort to make them look as movie accurate as they could (wich being a ps2 isnt much i know, but its still an acheivment)
  15. that would be the mission where you play as a terrorist and kill civillians
  16. the last one sounded like a kid with an acoustic guitar and a computer microphone. not playing very well either
  17. drop it, i said only the australians will get it. im not explaining it coz youll have a cry, if gs or somone wants to then they can. or if your desperate to know then you can pm me back to topic kthnksbai
  18. you didnt watch that last one did you? there is no original recording of house of the rising sun, its a folk song. nobody even knows who it was by. however that cover of it done by the animals that you posted is the most well known (and as far as im concerned the best) version
  19. its an insult. i know you dont get it, dont worry
  20. lady gaga makes me want to hurt things. my first thoughts when i saw bulletproof was "who the f**k are you and why do you think your david bowie, you arent david bowie, david bowie is talented, go away"