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Everything posted by RG

  1. Get the car near a safehouse, go save, and keep reloading a game until the car looks like what you want it to look
  2. He's gonna be there even when the car burns in blue flames. It's changing the same way the license plate changes
  3. Because that's all you can think about.
  4. You monster, how could you?! However.. Why don't the wheels deflate or at least change shape?
  5. Do all cars look like a banana when trashed in GTA IV, or is it only the DeLorean? The front being lifted up looks a bit weird, I mean, shouldn't the suspension.. like.. break too?
  6. Sense not found, please try again.
  7. "All this horsepower, and no room to gallop?" @your internet speed.
  8. Try harder then. Or, better, stop trying to make jokes (you fail at it, miserably), try to do something better: be normal.
  9. Take the picture while the player is in a car and view is set to front bumper.
  10. Spoiler code just saves scrolling, nothing else
  11. So resize it. Will be quite small then, but still. Marty really ruins the pic anyway
  12. Skins should come in .bmp and they probably have to be specific size. That's all I know.
  13. Did you open any of the skin files? And you probably can't fix this, get other skins.
  14. They're blank, or made wrong
  15. The server is practically perfect now Just needs BTTF stuff to it.
  16. I don't like it. It's in a language I don't understand (sorry, everyone who does) and I spotted the phrase "Justin Bieber" in it.
  17. Was removed to being completely irrelevant, if I remember correctly. I also tried 0.2c only because I didn't know that 0.2d existed already. Was fun for 2 months.
  18. Doesn't really explain my VC crashing rarely on my PC. Which, by the way, is a piece of... bad hardware.
  19. 0.2e, cause of somewhat smooth and working anims. 0.2e doesn't really seem to be so buggy to me anyway. Maybe I'm using it wrong
  20. Didn't I say that like 2 times already
  21. Nothing surprising, right?