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Everything posted by ~Leaf~

  1. ok so last night my pc did an update on my graphics card and restarted, i tried to run a game i have played for a while, and it said direct3d not found so i looked in dxdiag it showed that direct3d among a few other things were 'unavailable' so i updated the card again only now I can't see anything in dxdiag its all N/A and blank, Can anyone help me? It's an Nvidia Geforce 6800
  2. I always thought you were a b**ch oh wait einstein is a boy... damnit!
  3. much easier the way i had it... button press spawns 3 deloreans at a time in front of you....
  4. All we need to do now is roll it down a steep hill!
  5. Well, I think your both idiots, /but thats on a side note.....
  6. it took me a min to realize that he was older... he looked allot like he did in his younger years
  7. Still would be cool to explode the back of the car if plutonium is in and you shoot at it XD would be hilarious if a cop hit it while you were driving....
  8. ahh not what I meant, but..... yeah sure
  9. if you were to time travel you wouldn't be alive as we are made of matter and the vacuum of space is not you see it would suck you into a hole and spit you back out in another time....
  10. i expected him to floor it in reverse when he got stuck , do a quick 180 get out spawn a time maqchine and hit 88.....oh wait....
  11. well, there's a few extra things that would need to be changed for it to know your previous height as it has loaded a new car, eg. memory hacking....
  12. hmm i would have liked to see a sonic cameo besides the super sonic thing
  13. yes it can.... take a look at the 2015 hover script for regular cars, remove the hover down keypress, change the key for hover up and add the sparrow in the code....
  14. yes nothing like explosive books...or paper cuts.. how many people are going to do this
  15. what the bike he doesnt have we should have everyone donate some money on the site to get dk a bike or a car i'm serious
  16. yep that video made me want a cigarette , well guys the e-cigs didn't work out too well for me there's not enough nicotine to get through the day back to buying cheap cigarettes
  17. ok its nice and all that he can code that but i need to find out how to code it ....
  18. ok since i don't have access to the coding section this will have to do my first question is does anybody have the instant time travel button code anymore? i need it 2. is it possible to add guns to a car in vc if yes then how
  19. ~Leaf~

    Youtube Instant

    It looked up guns n roses for me when i got there