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Everything posted by ~Leaf~

  1. don't boast its rude lol @ littlewyan we aren't exactly trying to outdo anyone but ourselves we are just trying to make the best mod we can with our current resources.
  2. you need to organize the download section of the first post
  3. here's an idea, if you want a mod done, start a team and get it done yourself, that's what we did
  4. good job, you managed to put your own post in the quote..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAT15I-QnBY
  5. i liked it when hill valley was over the airport, made it look more beta-ish
  6. i guess he wont be walking anymore......whats that? too soon? oh ok
  7. even though i'd like to see youtube how it was in 2005 that will never happen, also the comment system is most likely here to stay, every time google changes something 1 billion petitions come online asking to change it back, the thing is no matter how many signatures you get it doesnt mean they are legally bound to complete you're request.
  8. hack is such an arbitrary word now days
  9. ~Leaf~

    Shoutbox Problems

    then how did you know there was a shoutbox....
  10. yeah both mods are in whats called finalization hell
  11. cool pic! sorry for the delay chapter 2 is almost done just having trouble picking a cross dimensional villian
  12. chapter 2 will be out in a day or two !
  13. awesome I've been thinking about picking it up again, so I might start writing chapter 2 soon.
  14. Chapter 1 The End Of Time. Chapter 2 The Multiverse. Chapter 3 The Plan. Chapter 4 A friend in need. Chapter 5 Finding Pinkie. Chapter 6 Answers. Chapter 7 It must be love.
  15. just add links in the descriptions of your videos on where to find the artists, they can not stop you from making a youtube video.
  16. ~Leaf~

    Sound list

    stop bumping 5 year old topics!