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Everything posted by Mike

  1. 164 downloads

    Back To The Future: Hill Valley - The 0.2f Years - 2015-2019 Fire up your DeLorean, it's time to go back to the past, again! Here we present a Windows 10 compatible compilation of our back catalogue of early releases of Back To the Future: Hill Valley released between 2015 and 2019, covering versions 0.2f and 0.2f R2 - including a never before released update for 0.2f R2 made by DeLorean31rus. Simply run the setup file and install the version of your choice. It should be noted that no bugs or issues present in the initial release of these versions have been addressed, this is provided as-is - this compilation is purely for newer Windows compatibility. Enjoy the nostalgia trip of revisiting these older versions. If you are not a member already, consider joining our discord server to stay in touch with the team and the BTTF:HV community: https://bttfhv.com/discord Credits for included patches and quality of life improvements: -DeLorean31rus: 0.2f R2 update -Silent (aka CookiePLMonster): - - SilentPatch - - Ginput -Spooky: IMG Tool -thelink2012: Mod Loader -ThirteenAG: - - Grand Theft Auto Vice City Widescreen Fix - - Project 2DFX - - Open Limit Adjuster - - Ultimate-ASI-Loader
  2. That is to be expected as it's a very old link. Also checking @BTTFModMachine's profile they have not visited the forum since 2015.
  3. Try the DeLorean Time Machine Builders Group on Facebook, there is a lot of reference information in that group.
  4. I think we still have this, in fact I’m fairly sure that it is included in the forthcoming 0.2g.
  5. It looks like the file was removed from who ever was storing it on their google drive. Maybe worth sending a PM to Antonis_Greek to see if they still have the files stored offline? FWIW we are working on an updated version BTTFHV for GTA SA - this is still in the early stages at this time, we have posted a couple of teaser shots on discord and other social media channels. The updated version will of course feature Carlos' 0.2f DeLorean models which are carcols compatible.
  6. – February 04 2022 Maintenance release to address compatibility issues running the mod under Windows 10. • Incorporates latest source code release to installer (Nov 05 2010) • Added Silent’s ASI Loader v1.3 • Added Silent Patch v1.1 for GTA SA • Added Open Limit Adjuster v1.5.8 Download link: Back to the Future SA Mini Mod - Main Releases - Back To The Future: Hill Valley (bttfhillvalley.co.uk)
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  7. Welcome back! Join the Discord channel as most of the discussion takes place there now.
  8. Time for a little bump on this topic.
  9. http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/5766-02f-models-for-gta-sa/
  10. Aeroplane sound? its actually an old Hanna Barbera sound effect. Think the Jetsons: http://youtu.be/J1bK1cVxkFs
  11. We're working on it
  12. Well, almost a year on from my last post. The car was completed in June 2015, it has since been used sparingly over the summer. The car was sold this week and the new owner collected the car on Wednesday evening. For those who are interested there are a ton of pictures on the original dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mnkxjz3mxj34yte/AABeIKb97pv9_wJBleUZehZna?dl=0 Not all the pictures are in order though, and there are some duplicates in there. It was a little sad seeing the car drive off into the distance for the last time, but I'm sure she will be enjoyed by her new owner.
  13. We've been away, but now we're back. No more 7 year release cycles. Also, no more defined release dates now that we have passed November 12th. Updates will be a lot more frequent though.
  14. Version 0.2f Update 01


    The first update to 0.2f. Simply install over the top of your existing installation of BTTF HV version 0.2f. The update addresses the following issues: -Reinstates the start line for the lightning strike run on Nov 12th 1955 -Reinstates the correct model when time travelling via the clock tower lightning strike -Fixes the crash caused when pushing the railroad DeLorean up to 88 mph with the Rogers 131 locomotive -Fixes the wormhole sound effect bug - Fixes traffic missing after a short time - Fixes spawning issues with Doc's truck and wrecks of it generating at Sunshine Autos - Fixes lights on Doc's truck (submission) causing a crash - Fixes the Jules Verne Timetrain dropping through the roof of Vercetti's Mansion - Fixes crash when timetravelling with the BTTF3 DeLorean using the remote control - Added (WIP) hover conversion animation for 2015 Luxor Cab Company Citroën DS Taxi - Added an ini-file to change keybindings (see bttf-hv.ini) - Added opcode definition for memory manipulation script in game script source to fix crashes when compiling custom changes - Remapped hover conversion keybind on 2015 Police car to use the global hover conversion button Also included are all of the source code files for the mod
  15. I think a lot of folks are back on the forums now?
  16. Press and hold R for 3 seconds (I think).
  17. silent patch. Boot into regular gta, set the res. exit and then run LC
  18. This may or may not help. But to get it to run under windows 10, I had to install silent patch for gta iii. http://download.gtanet.com/gtagarage/files/38615/silentpatch_11_vc.zip?st=IHKK5i9y71viWDi9lXiw9Q&e=1446794857
  19. I posted that comment last week after deleting a lot of comments relating to support PS, some of the issues you mention have fixes posted for them in the bug tracker section. All items which are fixed will be included in the Nov 12th release.
  20. Now that the dust has settled on the release of 0.2f, we wanted to share with you how we are planning to take the mod forward. It was initially thought that 0.2f would be our swan song, but pulling everyone back together has given us a renewed sense of enthusiasm, so for the immediate future at least, you can expect more progress from us. We will also be changing the format of how we release the mod to you. It is not planned at this point that there will be anymore main releases where we hold everything back (0.2g / 0.3 etc), what we will be doing now is releasing models and features as they are completed in the form of an update package which will install over the top of 0.2f. If there are enough update packages we may bundle them together as a 'service pack' or release an 0.2f R2 which incorporates all changes. News and updates regarding progress of models and features will now be presented directly by the mod team members. All progress will be documented in the Blog section of our site, which can be found here: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/ You may notice that we have two sections setup on the blog, one will document the ongoing progress with the GTA mods. The second will document Leaf's progress with a standalone game build from the ground up. GTA mod blog: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/blog/6-bttf-hill-valley-mod-blog/ Standalone game blog: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/blogs/blog/4-bttf-hill-valley-the-standalone-game/ Please follow the blogs to keep up to date on the latest progress.
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  21. I still had issues with the game crashing on the loading bar, Mini-Me found the fix for me in that the new limit adjuster also requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable to be installed. BTTF HV on GTA SA now works perfectly on Windows 10. Thanks Mini-Me
  22. A few pics from the October 21st event I attended last week.
  23. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately for me, the game crashes before it even gets to the main menu. I installed Windows 7 this evening as a dual boot, and it is running fine. I have BTTF HV up and running on SA. Now to add the new models and release an update!
  24. Has anyone here managed to get GTA SA working under windows 10 with mods in the game? The game works fine on its own. But the moment I add any mods to it, it crashes before it even gets to the menu. In frustration I have just installed windows 7 again as a dual boot option in order to get SA to work. And to be able to update and test the BTTF HV SA mod. So, does anyone know of a fix, other that using an older operating system? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  25. This is not the place for support. If you have bugs/issues, please post them in the bugs/troubleshooting section here: http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/forum/index.php?/forum/82-vice-city-bugstroubleshooting/