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Reminds me of the old days, when you guy's messed with my avatar, turned my name pink, made T-shirts for me, and I attempted all this. Shame he doesn't have TimeTrain here to help him back in.

He will learn very quick.

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"This is what makes time travel possible! The Flux Capacitor." - Get through the tutorial yourself, without requiring assistance from Forum members.

"I need to borrow your... hoverboard?" - Find the hoverboard in-game.

"Something inconspicuous!" - avoid asking for the next release for 6 months.

"Burn it!" - manage to avert a flamewar.

"Look at my hair!" - Dig out a retrospect of your earlier posts and draw an improvement line (must be a user for over 2 years)

"According to the map... there is no bridge" - point out an inconvenience of the development team's plan.

"Give it more gas!" - Completely lose your post count after annoying the moderator team.

"Wow, they cleaned this place out. Looks brand new." - use the Lo-Fi version of the board for 1 week.

"Who do you think?! The Libyans!" - Encounter the Libyans in-game.

"Well, Doc. It's destroyed. Just as you wanted" - Lose the time machine in a head-on collision with another vehicle (could drown or blow it up by enemy gunfire)

"It runs on steam!" - Discover the time train.

"Mr. FusionĀ®" - Upgrade the time machine from the Plutonium Chamber to Mr. Fusion.

"So... Doc Brown invented a time machine?" - Locate a time machine you lost earlier in the same game session.

"It's a science experiment!" - Carjack a story-important vehicle in-game.

"Mom? Mom, is that you?" - Get busted and get access to another time machine within 3 minutes after respawning.

"Already been there!" - Make 12 travels to 6 different centuries.

"Hi, hi, we're time travelers" - Escape the police by the means of time travel.

"I figured... what the hell." - Get saved from the Libyan attack by the Body Armor.

"It couldn't be simpler." - Re-enact the train-powered time travel.

"Crazy drunk drivers." - Hit a wall upon reentry.

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dude the argument is over, no need to continue.

I know, I was well aware of that, just felt the need to express my thoughts and opinions on the topic, even if it was completely pointless.

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