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Everything posted by EarthwormJim

  1. yeah but theres more than one thing that can kill him, theres several infact. metal manipulation, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, telepathy.. you get the point
  2. and might i say we have two PRIME examples of that here
  3. that was good, like REALLY good. But im sure they can do better. i mean hell the ps2 transofrmers game had better transformations than that and that was a freaking ps2 game (yes i know it was a downgraded 360 port, but still) and it might not be seamless. im sure people could cope with the minor loading times when time travelling or entering a new area of the town. when i run crysis the onl time i ever have loading times (other tha loading a save that is ) is when i complete a chapter that takes me to a completely different area of the island. granted that is a professionally developed game though.. probably developed BY or with severe input from the engine designers themselves
  4. not evil, just intent on killing the person he aims at. he has to mean it. thats how the spell works and pbviously by VS we mean a death match so the idea being that the combatants go into the "arena" (or so to speak) with the intention of killing th opponents. and remember this is harry potter (the franchise) vs lord of the rings (the franchise) so it isnt exactly limited to JUST harry or (contradicting what i said before) JUST gandalf and sauron. we're includinf frodo, dumbledore, arragorn, legolas and gimli, voldemort, hagrid. everyone. and the fact is one side has an instant death spell while the other side has EXTREMELY complex magic... and conventional medieval weapons. pretty simple. okay how about this for a VS DC VS Marvel BUT no unbeatable characters such as superman (who is unbeatable except for one weakness) or amaze-o, or Proteus or galactus or anyone else who is 90% immortal. im talking about the REAL heroes. Batman, Spiderman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Wolverine etc who ultimately has the advantage? because i really have no idea, i have favourites on both sides
  5. hey man, if i KNOW im wrong ill admit it
  6. theoretically (dont take me too seriously as i have had a few drinks, friends birthday today) but surely, seeing as the maps on crysis connect to eachother (and are HUGE, and transition from one to the next are seamless with absolutely no loading times, provided on your system specs of course) somone could make a scale map of hillvalley that would work in the crysis engine, with future and past time zones working a different areas of the map. i dont know whats hard coded into crysis though so dont take my query too seriously
  7. harry potter can point a stick at you and make you dead in a flash of light. talk about OP
  8. well basically that means gandalf and sauron VS a spell that can kill anything instantly regardless of strength or skill... uuuuum gee i wonder
  9. to get into fallout 3 you gotta go in expecting an rpg. mass effect was an incredible game and im BUSTING to get my hands on the second one
  10. Fallout 3. you can shoot people in the head with a single shot and for some reason they explode into a million extremely graphic and extremely detailed peices. plus its prettymuch oblivion with guns so thats a bonus
  11. dude goku combined with the dragon. hes invincible. game over
  12. when was extreme ghostbusters canon? he says theyr nuclear in the movie, is that not enough?
  13. john delorean, you are a sad little boy. holding on to what youv been raised with like an old blanket. you are teetering on the brink of sanity blinded by your faith. you are what gives christians their bad reputation. emo, if you tried to read some of our posts (rather than going ITS TOO BIG I WONT READ IT LOL) then maybe some of us would actually take you seriously. if you arent intelectually capable of putting forth a real argument or at least decleration of understanding then nobody is going to give two s**ts about what you have to say on this subject. i really dont care to argue with you two anymore. i have proven you both wrong time and time again and yet you continue to ignore anything that might have a chance of proving you wrong. selective reading does not make you right i actually explained in reasonably simple terms how evolution works, i gave ou the freaking answers you were looking for and i bet neither of you read it, purely because your so scared of being proven wrong. it disgusts me that people as selfish as you are part of the human race. im done here. i have no disagreements with anyone else, angelo we've had our differences but im pretty sure we understand eachother and are destined (and i use the word metaphorically seeing as i dont beleive in destiny) to come to a standstill with any disgreements we may have on this topic (wich now that i think about it isnt many) its always fun having these discussions with you. everyone else, continue other than the two crazies this topic is actually REALLY interesting
  14. just because theres a nuclear reactor inside the pack doesnt mean that the radiation would escape and begin to affect the people nearby (or as the case may be the people wearing the packs) the reactor is simply used to power everything else, the beams arent irradiated as everyone knows. and besides im pretty sure it was ray or egon not venkman that said they were wearing unlicensed nuclear reactors. theoretically i guess the technology IS possible, but first were going to have to.. you know actually DISCOVER wether or not ghosts are real and even if we do who says their going to work in the same way as the ghosts in ghostbusters? because if they dont then the proton packs and traps etc would be rendered completely pointless. so short answer, yes i guess so but theres little to no point in it, and you would probably kill yourself in the process
  15. "The US scientists found that the appendix acted as a "good safe house" for bacteria essential for healthy digestion, in effect re-booting the digestive system after the host has contracted diseases such as amoebic dysentery or cholera, which kill off helpful germs and purge the gut. This function has been made obsolete by modern, industrialised society; populations are now so dense that people pick up essential bacteria from each other, allowing gut organisms to regrow without help from the appendix, the researchers said." the appendix is no longer useful, hence how we survive when theyr removed. dk you seriously need to start reading the WHOLE article before you post a link hahaha. and emo, just to reitterate my point. evolution isnt somthing you "beleive" in it is scientific fact, saying you dont beleive in it is like saying you dont beleive in the pythagoras theorum or the pereodic table of the elements, you can say what you like but theyr still real and they work
  16. the reason we continue to talk about this is because you and john delorean dont seem to understand evolution AT ALL, and the only way you can seriously hold a solid faith in somthing is if you completely understand every aspect of it. evolution is not a beleif system its simple genetics. people take on the genetic traits of their parents, wether it be appearance, disorders, physical or mental ability. okay, everyone knows this that is all evolution is. for example if you take a speceis that is used to a warm climate and put it in a place with a cold climate, wich members of the speceis are more likely to survive and reproduce? the ones with more body fat and body hair because they can withstand the temperatures better, so the next generation will more likely be made up of children who are descended from these fatter harier adults. and so on and so forth thats how it works, theres no magical force that controlls it its simply a speceis adapting to its environment, theres no beleif in it. evolution is absolute indesputible fact. and as for the earth being 6000 years old as i think you were suggesting emo, carbon dating completely blows that out of the water. what is carbon dating? its the process that takes an old bone or object and measures the amount of radiocarbon built up in it to determine how old it is. this is how we know that the dinosaurs were around 65 million+ years ago rather than walking around in the garden of eden with adam and eve like some sort of twisted version of the flintstones as creationists will have you beleive. its really really simple. and as i said before, if there is a god or higher power (im not saying there isnt im just saying that nobody knows, so assuming you have it right is a waste of time) there is NO WAY that ancient humans had the technology or the know how to figure it out. so thinking any of the modern deity worshipping religions (hinduism, christianity, islam, judaism etc) got it spot on right the first try is just absolute arrogance. for all we know indiana jones could be on the right track with the whole "aliens interfering and developing ancient society" thing we just dont know, all we can do is trust the research that is being done. beleif in god is absolutely understandable and perfectly fine in my book, just as long as you dont use your faith to limit what you can and cant do. and as long as you dont waste what precious little time you have worshipping rather than going out and experiencing the world
  17. thank f**k you were joking, i was seriously worried there
  18. i would just like to point out that in that south park video trey parker and matt stone (the creators of south park) are MAKING FUN of what christians THINK evolution is, it is absolutely nothing like that and if you really think that then your only proving y point about you being arrogant and ignorant. and the second video "checkmate" thats another parody of the christian mindset, that guy is an atheist and he has heaps of videos in the same sort of vein. again if you cant see how he is making fun of it and the fact that he is being completely and totally sarcastic the entire time then your only proving that the humor works. john delorean all your doing is saying "im right and your wrong because i want to be right no matter what evidence there is LALALALALALA im not listening" grow up and dk i dont think you have a very firm grasp on evolution either, if you fully understood it then youd know how ridiculous those questions you asked are. EDIT: that guy is Edward current and hes famous on youtube for his religious satire. he makes the creationist argument against atheisnm look just as ridiculous as it is by doing what? pretending he beleives it. hes a genius. watch some of his videos theyr hilarious http://www.youtube.com/user/EdwardCurrent this one particularly illustrates one hell of a point
  19. fishy fish, i agree with you completely. i was only arguing so one sidedly because John delorean was doing the same thing (saying evolution is a lie) john delorean you are ignorant and your unwillingness to understand evolution only shows you are afraid of being proven wrong (or at least being proven not right, if you get my logic) im not saying there isnt a higher power, or as the case may be higher intelligence (like an alien race) im just saying that nobody has it right yet and it is arrogant to think so. the smartest thing to do is to learn as much as we can about everything, read all the fine print, or so to speak. and dk just so you know, you didnt read that whole article, if you had you woulda seen this "Dr Andrew Newberg, director of the Centre for Spirituality and the Mind at the University of Pennsylvania, told the New York Times that Dr Grafman’s findings were in line with other research that has so far failed to find any specific structure in the brain that is dedicated to religious belief." im done here
  20. okay, if the earth was closer to the sun life would have developed differently, if the earths atmosphere had a different chemical makeup then life would have developed in accordance with that. life developed based off the environment not the environment developed based off life. if you werent aware of these simple facts then you cant possibly know how evolution works and thus you saying it is a "lie" is only you showing your own ignorance. everything happened by chance, the thing is we only know one way of life because its the way we developed, there is an infinite number of possibilities when if comes to forms of life, we only know of one because we have only experienced one and the technology doesnt exist to explore the universe and discover other forms yet. all im saying is that nobody knows there are hundreds of religions and thinking that yours is the one that got it right first time is simple arrogance. dk rg and angelo i do agree with you guys to a point (especially angelo, as we've been over this several times and im pretty sure we have a fair understanding of eachothers beleif systems) im just trying to add more understanding here.