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Everything posted by OoiueBTTF

  1. cos then if u havent got a save point, u r screwed but it is a good idea 2 me
  2. even if you could knock the past-del out of the way of the lightening run,then the game would just be like: yeah then it has 2 possible outcome: 99.9999999% chance of a game crash 0.00000001% chance of a reset get it? game cant handle paradox's its tuff enough haveing other selves in-game (if there will be)
  3. then why did u post the suggestion then?? if u go back to infere with yourself, you should reset to around 2-3 mins before you origonally cross-paths with your FUTURE-self as in: u now become your previous elf with no other self yet until u go back in time again if u keep doing it, then whats the point of playing??
  4. that would become too stressful plus, you would think: "DAMN!! If only they hadnt put a paradox code in. Then I wouldnt have to do that bit again!!!"
  5. Besides, even if TT were possible, then a paradox would destroy the universe (according to Doc in BTTF2) Then the paradox shouldnt really inputted anyway because of the amount of 'Resets' and paradox's possible Think of it like this: 1. You travel back in time 5 mins using the clock tower run 2. You see yourself use the run after crossing paths with yourself 3A. If you crash into yourself, you would not have been able to go back in time so the reset action will force you to do that again 3B. You dont encounter yourself and you just see yourslef TT into the past (or future)
  6. I changed WASTED! to DEATH!!!! on my download below I also changed some VC names to HV names
  7. in fact i think fourth-dimensionally a lot, its just the game cant handle it, im thinking about the game, this is about the game, if time travel were real, then you'd be right, but we aren't so your not Paradox-Free game will have to do, no choice in my view
  8. The screen should be something like: PARADOX!!! Then the game crashes (lol) But seriously, the paradox would be cool, but if you cant remember where your past-self has been, then there is always a potential paradox in crossing paths with yourself. The thing about my idea is that it is paradox-free!
  9. Besides, the schedule was set anyway before, 1985 wont come with 1955 in 0.3 Will it?
  10. other selves is explained on the other selves section
  11. i thought the wormhole was in the particle.txd i downloaded Mircoman's new del re-entry and it was in the particle.txd
  12. has that been completed yet? if so, can u send me a link, i would like 2 use it in the game
  13. that just would look boring and stupid (no offense) i still like the idea of plane code in other selves, it could look like u were doing what u were doing before and still have it in
  14. besides, the game can be realistic but other sleves may have to be compromised on, so there cant be any realism in other selves At least we would have it, it'll make interesting game-play
  15. kinda like that, but if u go back in time to see yourself go back in time, u could go up 2 yourself and just walk through him, like the plane, and nothing from earlier would be affected but a recording thingy would probly have to be planted in the game
  16. I have a suggestion (if its possible, if not, then ignore this) the plane just passes straight through u on the game, what about implanting a similar code for other selves?
  17. I have no idea when it finishes, every time I think its done, I start the game and it glitches by not actually getting me in the game, if u know what I mean
  18. How long does it take to compile?
  19. As in save it? No wait, forget that I know what u mean
  20. I read the topic about changing the time and dates on the coding section and i tried it. it didn't work. I found the lines and everything but I can't change them in game (ie they don't appear on the time circuits) help
  21. Timing ey?! I found the website just as u replied, sorry for wasting your time, but i've found it. Yay!! Thanks anyway
  22. Where can I find a link to zmodeler?
  23. Will movie clips from the films be inputted later in the mod on the movie missions? Or am I getting ahead of myself? Or can't I know yet?