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    Back To The Future.

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  1. people on msn keep askin 0.2f release cant they shut up
  2. My edited quote i am the other doctor emmett brown from 1955 which helps the other me get back to 1985
  3. 2 things later on will there be hand animations and garbage u can pick up to put in mr fusion and plutonioum and later like bttf 3 u can put hats and other stuff like doc and marty did like hoverboard and stuff and can u have the pbuttheadenger door open if u get in from that side and with the drive in theatre is there gonna be rocks instead of water around the drive in theatre?
  4. good stuff any oother thing about it
  5. YEH LIKE SCARFACE THE GAME CANT MAKE A Number 2 because he died its like a what if saga
  6. ps3 but im gettin a wii a 360 abig lcd tv 81 cm plus a laptop or a notebook as people call it
  7. i know about that is a new low
  8. yeh very true any other peoples opinions
  9. cameo is a great idea like mighty ducks 3 emilio etevez was had a small cameo
  10. yes very true but iv asked alot of people of alot of different forums they said its a really make like a tree, and get outta here because of the train just flying off like the delorean did in number 1 same endin though with no story they could have continued with it with the doc in another time line but u are rite? but it wont happen
  11. true it would probably be a prequel all about the doc
  12. yeh ur rite but not every endin of a story is bad
  13. yeh fair true rocky 6 indiana jones 4 rambo 4