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Everything posted by Doctor200004

  1. Pretty cool idea, could work in the way gta v has multi characters, each character has there own missions and whatnot. Translikestate is converting models from telltale's game so it could be scripted into gta VC and (you may have to find and install the skins, this website doesn't allow telltale models) have it working. You'd need a better coder then me to do it though.
  2. I found it easy to change to more then 1 delorean, it's getting it to run a new system that is the fun part, ukkos spawn script didn't work for me so I changed it.
  3. Just too bad the last update was 5 years before it should be out.
  4. Any update? Looks great, too bad nothing goes on San Andreas though
  5. Too high poly count,it would crash the game without warning if it lets you play it at all.
  6. copyright issues... Never beable to sell... Here is why: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Act
  7. No, he said he COULD give it its own game data made by rockstar and that is what he wants to do but it would take a while to make. I can tell already you have no idea what it's about, modding that is. Selling it as a new game would be a complete copyright issue unless universal pictures and rockstar games said its ok to be sold. Which wouldn't happen so it has to stay as a mod and be a add on to the game. It is legal to copy the game data, install the mod, make it have its own shortcut and stuff but it doesn't happen often on IOS or android which is why it's not seen much, it's legal because it copys it off the device and does it, it doesn't have the game data installed on it that it copy's. that would be giving you the game for free making it breach copyright laws. This is also why the mod team can't sell there work, more for universal pictures but still. As for your second post, all I have to say is, erm, ok? I was putting you right was all.
  8. it's not a game, it's a mod... it won't be sold because this breaches the copyright law but it will require you to have gta vice city on your device because it copy's everything from it and changes it into the mod. He said at a earlier date. Rockstar games would fine him if he sold it, they could also put him in jail for editing and reselling there work.
  9. Screen shots, yeah, not my strong point... The wheels of the car are way too big one some so that wouldn't work...
  10. Funny thing is, I already have a working code, mine is different though, when spawning the delorean, instead of instant spawn you get a option, cutscene one or instant. I believe it's from the russian source code. It has working cutscene or instant time travel too! I'll send it you, if you like. All you need to edit is the spawn code. The flight code crashes for any other apart from the bttf2 delorean for me, must look into that. If you want my bttf 3 source code, just ask. -Doc204
  11. I agree about the mirrors being black instead of blue but what can you do? Any idea about when you're plainning on releasing the sa models or still having bugs? You're taking as much time as 2.0F! (jk) it's really good models. I noticed on 'Mod the sims' that telltale are letting people use there stuff in other games, he says "He got premission to use them" so my guess is, ask telltale if you can use them, and, well, use them! There are all sorts that he took! the hoverboard, the speaker, the plutonium, you could ask them if you can use stuff too! Link to the page with the mods on here
  12. Agreed. I feel sorry for the poor bloke who had to get the bttf delorean, paint it yellow and keep all the effects that are on it.
  13. I meant it would take a lot of work to make the colours change, as trance said, it's two textures that need changing, not one.
  14. welcome to new york city! the home of the fake delorean taxi that we can't get anyone in! Right... I have done a taxi delorean, problem is i made it yellow, the only place that says 'Taxi' on it is, well, the licence plate that has been edited... I might need to redo it, the KiTT has been completed though! Link to KiTT: here Just use trancelikestate's delorean and it will fit fine! PLEASE NOTE i haven't chosen what car it goes on so it will automatickly over right the bullet, change it manually! also; the wheels are rather big so if you know how to fix this then great. no idea why, same model used for the bttf2 delorean, if you don't have this problem then great! If you want the delorean to travel though time, loadgamepl has a artical here on how to do it.
  15. Yeah, i noticed this one time when i was looking at them, too bad really. if i do it, both models, give it you, you might be able to see how to do it, that would involve a lot of work though would like to ask, how is this steeling? it's textures not the freaking model, want me to start? trance stole the model off telltale, he did edits to make it go on gta, he still took them from the game so, that could go for him (not saying his work is bad)
  16. wow... I'm not giving the model away just the textures for the people who can't do it them selfs... I never said i would rob it.
  17. After going though a lot of the forums for this one thing, i decided to do a new forum that has textures by me or others to give you new Delorean textures for trancelikestate's converted delorean. I will be doing Blue DeLorean Red DeLorean Green DeLorean Black DeLorean (No fire emblem) KiTT DeLorean (Noticed no one had done this before with this model ) Link Taxi DeLorean (based of loadgamepl's witch he did for the cyisis conversion, who is on youtube) any thoughts of any other colours people want? please note that trance is doing conversons of some of these textures from the game. for the people who think i'm nicking it and claming it, I'M NOT!!! TRANCE (i say made, converted) MADE THE MODELS AND ORIGNAL TEXTURES...Please remeber this before posting something like this "Nice Way to steal someone work "
  18. Sorry, Haven't been very active recently, went off gta sa for a while (4 months my bad) anyway, the delorean texture is really easy and if trans gives me premission then i will upload the texture of a template like version of this (bits to replace are invisible) then people can have them for them selfs! If i get premission from the bttf mod team i will upload the cleo to make it possible for this delorean to be a different, err, delorean. EDIT: I see problems with the mirrors, sure they stayed black on the game... I'll check now. Mirrors are blue, my bad.
  19. just saying, jeez Anyway, it's a hobby not paid for he will work on it when he wants