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Everything posted by ELBdelorean

  1. Xbox 360 w/ Halo 3, and Quantum of Solace 13 month Xbox LIVE Gold Wireless Adapter for the 360 30 GB HDD Camcorder 1 GB Flash drive/ MP3 player $100 in cash Permanent Markers
  2. I think you guys need to combine this fanmade stuff with Blue's latest update. The one with the Time Train pushing the DeLorean.
  3. ELBdelorean


    ELBdelorean Well...cough 'em up.
  4. The only reason johny's DelKitt won is because he PMed everybody telling them to vote for it...
  5. If we do SA, I dunno how to code it.
  6. Yeah...we didn't need that post.
  7. He said he was also doing sound.
  8. Should I create an Invisionfree board for this mod, right now?
  9. KITT, do you know of any unique (or any kind) of cars in the Indy films? I can't watch them right now, I'm in school.
  10. Any spot, really. Coding, texturing, modeling, anims, sound. I can do some and Tom can do some but we're still looking for a team.
  11. No, I'm ASKING people if they want to. So in theory, I am running after them.
  12. You can't just make a mod and a team will run after you. Your comment fails.
  13. Right, the topic here now is: We need a team if anyone is willing to help
  14. Safari's a great browser...it just doesn't let you save your tabs like Firefox does.
  15. Hey guys. Me and Tom (Wait and Bleed) are starting an Indy mod. The thing is...we need an animator...bad. We need an animator for the bullwhip swing stuff. Is there anyone willing to do this? Or do anything really...at this point we can take anyone. I expect people to say OMFG DIS IS GONNA F FAIL DONT DO DIS SPAM SPAM HAHA ROFL...please don't say that. Thanks