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Everything posted by ELBdelorean

  1. I think he means a code that lets the player use a button not defined in settings.
  2. You forgot: Eighth: Then walk over to a tree and set it on fire. Wish granted.
  3. As EWJ said once, it's not something you can learn in 20 minutes. And like I said before, GTAF is the best place for this.
  4. That doesn't make too much sense.
  5. Perhaps you should go to GTAF for this. Oh, and I'm no expert, but I don't think you should have two equals signs after a variable. I'm probably wrong though.
  6. I never noticed those. Then again, I never listen to the radio in IV.
  7. Ah, ok, makes sense lol. @DK I never got into Gears that much, I bought it and returned it 2 days later because I didn't like it too much.
  8. SPOILER: I know Saito stayed in Limbo for all that time (10 hours in the real world) but did Cobb stay all those years in Limbo looking for the now-old Saito in there?
  9. You could tell it was SPOILER: starting to fall at the end.
  10. You should've heard the people groaning in the theater at the end of Inception
  11. Well, I do live in the US and, believe it or not, some other people on this forum also do.
  12. Inception and Toy Story 3 were both great movies.
  13. NBC is made up of Nothing But c**ts. http://www.hollywood.com/news/Conan_OBrien...levised/7025978
  14. *waits for what's-his-face to flame*
  15. Actually, I don't think the rules say anything about double-posting.
  16. Were you forced to? No. Did you have to? No. Besides, you probably watched it anyway and knew you were proved wrong. There's also an article attached to it. Can you read? Judging by your past spelling I would guess not.