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Everything posted by ~Leaf~

  1. select everything and press scale, its next to the rotation tool
  2. yeah good idea lets make it more off topic, better yet... lets derail this damn thing... Yay~
  3. lol idiots make me smile
  4. Theres no maybe to that they use so much copyright content XD we use 0.000001% more though so lc will get shut down too on the plus side justin beiber will go to jail XD
  5. Wait, Wait , Wait , WAIT, You are abusing the accounts by giving your ex wife's account away
  6. the bridges to little havana and starfish island are now open
  7. -sigh- you just dont get it.
  8. this topic is pointless......
  9. or you could just mind your business and worry about yourself... not saying its bad you are curious... but hey curiosity killed the cat
  10. probably you, who know's - i mean a kid that causes havoc on the forum every time he visits.
  11. Not only that but ASM as well as the decompiler will execute it as ASM where you can then change values and trajectories then you will have to compile it back into the EXE and do extensive testing. Any information you can get you're hands on is trustworthy its a matter of understanding, I hope I helped.
  12. Yes that's correct the Gta3.exe, to decomple it you will need my IDA or make your own, which mine is not freeware or for sale, the way you are using notepad++ is like notepad with extended privileges , the way it should be used is to inject ++ code into programs.
  13. Those settings are in the exe you will need to decompile it to change them.
  14. you're saying add a limiter to hv's signup to 15+ ?
  15. isn't he like 13? there's a big part of it.