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Dragon King

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Everything posted by Dragon King

  1. Since we are talking about it, I'm going to post a Pic I'm sure we have all seen before:
  2. Now that was an intro. Short, sweet, and to the point
  3. Well, if you could do it that would be awesome. I don't think I need to tell you the full details. If you want the full details I'll be more than happy to tell you
  4. Tyler: Nicholas: Both together (Nicholas to the Left, Tyler to the Right):
  5. Hey are we still doing this for .2f? Sorry for the bump but couldn't be bothered to make a new topic.
  6. Yeah but its hard because that is what the doctors call them. Even on the ultrasounds it says either baby a baby b or twin a and twin b.
  7. Well Dragon Queen posted under my name so blame her
  8. Well so far from what i have compared the ultrasounds to the stuff i found online baby a has just a calcium deposit. Which is why the women labeled the heart elf baby b has either a calcium deposit or a cyst which they will disappear before birth and if not there is medication that with can help with that.I hope to god that that is all it is but we wont know for sure till get get the level 2 ultrasound. And if any one was wondering, the names are baby a is Tyler Jacob Millett and baby b is Nicholas Jayden Millett.
  9. Delorean Batman vs Captain America
  10. Hey, I think we shouldn't
  11. .2E .2e is 1 year old today and happy birthday to JohnyMan (14), pantera(24), Marty McFly(24) lol
  12. I'm sorry but Liam's models are indeed the BEST I have ever seen. He pays so close attention to the details that it isn't funny. every model he does has so much that he puts into it. When he finally does 1885 he will probably go right down to the very position of each and every brick and wooden plank. Not to mention the many textures he will make to make them look even better
  13. we would have to be EXTREMELY lucky to get done that fast.
  14. micro you are doing a good job but sorry to say I've seen better
  15. lol I graduated so that doesn't apply to me
  16. I will oh btw I forgot to mention I got a perfect score on the test So I'm really really happy.
  17. um why would I celebrate renewing my license? It's my first