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Everything posted by daangelo29

  1. A game, possibly, or a plot to defeat the Combine (could be true that G-Man is the future version of Gordon, or is a member of an alien race under the rule of the Combine who, like the humans, are making a rebellion/resistance against them), or a plot to change history (G-Man is some dude from the future who tries to change the course of time). True that it was G-Man's fault to bring Xen creatures and the Combine to Earth by bringing that sample to them, but what really happened in the end of all of it before the Combine rule? Black Mesa was nuked. It might have been a part of a clever plot by G-Man and his "employers". There might be something in the facility that they want to get rid of or they don't want the Combine to get their hands on. Well, either way, it's really a cool thing to have G-Man around as a mysterious plot-driving character in the series. I want G-Man remaining in series as a mysterious character until it is the right time to reveal it all.
  2. I doubt what both of you guys (iPro and EMO) said is true about G-Man's "employers". Doctor Breen was the administrator of Black Mesa. The HL team made him so to clear it up that G-Man isn't Black Mesa's administrator, thus adding more to the mystery of G-Man's identity. If Breen was one of the employers, why did G-Man released Gordon and wanted him to begin his campaign against the Combine in the first place? It was also noted that the employers (before the incident) once said that Alyx was just "a mere child" and "of no practical use to anyone", but G-Man insisted to make her an asset. If Barney or Breen was one of the employers, one of them would have a very negative/antagonistic view over Alyx in the HL2 series. If you're referring to Adrian Shepherd, the protagonist, he was supposed to be get rid of as what his employer/s wanted, but G-Man instead spared his life but detained him in a place where "he could do no possible harm" and "no harm could come to him." to be followed by the closing titles "Subject Shepherd. Status Detained. Further evaluation pending." This simply suggests Adrian is neither an employer or an "employee" of G-Man.
  3. Mario. He has the Star Rod (from the Paper Mario game series). He can just wish the Chaos Emeralds and the Dragon Balls away, and Sonic to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to drown (remember that Sonic can't swim), and Goku to the Sun to burn to hell there or to outer space to suffocate to death. He doesn't. If you didn't notice, you lose one ring every second you spent playing as him. It ain't the attacks doing this. It's an old Super Sonic rule ever since the second Sonic game. If you wanna argue with Sonic Unleashed's final boss battle's game mechanic, the version of Super Sonic here is not to be considered canon as it is the ONLY version of him throughout the series being this vulnerable to attack. And obviously, rings are just game mechanics. They represent energy in the Sonic games, and are not to be considered as real objects.
  4. lol you forgot that it wasn't me who made those stuff up, and it wasn't me who made those posts, didn't you? I disagree the Chaos Emeralds being sentient beings. True that one of their abilities is turn thoughts to power form, but that doesn't mean they can think and feel like living people. lmao Just think of Chaos Emerald power as the Force -- it's not technically alive, but it has a powerful manipulative influence or control over life or its users, and how it works depends on how its users use them or what they want to use it for.
  5. Interesting theory. But the widely accepted theory about G-Man is he's simply just an telepathic alien superior than the humans and even the Combine. Remember that G-Man mentioned something about "his employers" in the end of Half-Life and in one part of Half-Life 2 Episode Two?
  6. I'd do the same thing, if only the machine ain't limited to 2 travels. True, but this ain't the BTTF or Doctor Who universe, 'ya know. In the real world, there is no such thing as temporal paradoxes if time travel is possible. If both are possible, the universe would have gone kabloomey by then, for time travel has been occurring naturally in far reaches of space ever since, probably way before we existed. I'm guessing paradoxes in time travel actually causes the universe to split the timeline to two. If the changes you make in the past aren't applicable to the original, an alternate timeline was made (well, according to chaos theory, pretty much any change in the past is inapplicable). So the only "paradox" here is that, once you travel back to your present, you'll end up in a place (and time) that you don't belong to because an "alternate you" is in your place there.
  7. They would do that if either they would end the franchise with EP3, or HL3 would have its own new "G-Man". The only thing I heard about EP3, aside from the concept art stuff, is the implementation or incorporation of the sign language into EP3 for a deaf character they're going to include.
  8. There's a good and obvious reason why they don't sell motherboards for mini-PCs, 'ya know. Yes, it is replaceable, if you're the manufacturer or worker or owner of the company, that is. As the customer, it's hard to imagine to find a motherboard for this type of PC. My mini-PC is less than 14 inches tall. It looks like a thick book with metal covering.
  9. lol, there goes freezing. Which had me wondering, does Jack has any weakness pertaining that "anomaly" he has? How about a super powerful formula capable of "fixing" the anomaly, making him mortal? This sort of reminds me of the Super Sonic Vs. SSJ Goku argument I came across with before. My argument was simple: it's a draw, Super Sonic has the god-like invincibility and durability, while Goku has the pwnage skills, pretty much like the argument in this topic. Well, the argument was starting out just fine, 'till Sonic and DBZ fanboys began to fill up the place. I simply stopped arguing since it was useless or pointless with these a**holes.
  10. Good for you and iMaster. For me, I'm stuck at low or med settings, but at least it works and runs ok. I don't remember putting that there. I recall saying "'till it broke". Has any of the mods/admins edited my post? The BIOS is just one thing that broke in my PC. Having fixed PCs before with BIOS-related booting problems, I would have fixed my PC by then if it was just the BIOS. There was another problem, bigger than the BIOS problem, in my PC that made it unfixable even to the point that Acer, who literally suggested to have the PC checked themselves, said that the irreplaceable mini-PC motherboard has to be replaced to fix it.
  11. ...and returned back from the dead multiple times in between that and after 1901.
  12. I'm glad I still have my copy of Crysis. I was about to give it away to a friend of mine, since it lags like sh*t in my old PC, 'till its BIOS broke and got a phone call from my dad that he's going replace it with a tougher laptop, which he did. Gonna try this mod out, if it's ever gonna be released. I doubt this would out-hype our GTA mods. GTA San Andreas and Vice City have a LOT of stuff Crysis doesn't and couldn't have. Crysis can only compete with them in terms of graphics.
  13. http://vimeo.com/7316505 The only thing that bothers me about their version of time travel is how the wormhole forms and how ice forms inside the DeLorean, but I do admit that their re-entry explosions are more accurate than our own. Can we have the same re-entry explosions in the SA mod in terms of size, or anything close to that?
  14. Mine's simple: I would travel to year 2030 and see and know what the world would look like 20 years from now. I might do some other stuff than exploring, like perhaps grab a copy of the final version of the mod, or steal a high-end PC in some old codger's shop lol. As for the second trip, I might either travel back to the past to meet my mother's father, something I, for some reason, want to do, or travel to a certain event 2-3 years ago (that I don't want to talk about). OR, I would travel to the far future, have the f*cked up time machine fixed so the Flux Capacitor won't break down after the 3rd travel, and experiment around with time travel. Since this ain't the BTTF universe, there's so much I can do without causing a single paradox. Of course, if I were to do this, I'd still try doing the one above.
  15. I'm with iPro. I recall that in the bomb-in-stomach part, Jack Harkness was able to regenerate with only a shoulder, arm and part of his head. His bones grew back first, then his organs, then finally his skin. In this battle, Vegeta would kill him over 9000 times but Jack would always generate back and return back to life even if just a small part of him was left. So, I agree, it is a draw. From all the VS arguments I've come across involving Saiyans / Super Saiyans, the omnipotent ones or the ones with immortality/invincibility or spontaneous regeneration (not counting those who can't heal as much as Jack Harkness can) always take the advantage. In a forum other than the Lounge forum, I recall the forum members would always make reference from the Broly Vs. Another Saiyan argument they had earlier whenever an argument of this type starts, in which they identify the immortal/invincible/healing one as "another Broly".
  16. Strange. Never occurred to me with my EP1. The walking is fine for me.
  17. Have you seen a Sith Lord eat before? With what that life-support suit can do, I'm guessing he technically doesn't eat via his mouth. It might be doing similarly to Vader as how hospitals feed patients who are unconscious or in a vegetative state. Or, the Dark Side doesn't make him hungry. Sidious did say something about the Dark Side giving Force-sensitives access to unnatural powers. (it was in a part of Episode III where he talked to Anakin about Darth Plagueis who has the power to influence midi-chlorians to create life, and who happens to be his own former Sith master whom he killed in his sleep due to his fear of Plagueis replacing him over his master's new power)
  18. LMAO Anymore VS arguments in mind?
  19. I know. That's how instantaneous transportation really work, but has Goku even used it to find the Dragon Balls?
  20. I hackintoshed 2 pre-built machines once without problems. I'm simply asking for a simpler/faster/best way to do it. Built or not, the PC encountering problems with the BIOS would still be likely. BIOS is software, so it's replaceable. Fixing the BIOS is hard (and costly), but never impossible. Did this once to two friends' bricked PCs.
  21. I recall TimeShift having good water graphics. Not perfect, but good.
  22. I used to play SH3 in my cousin's PC, but it's been long I haven't played it that I can't tell the difference between the two other than the graphics. @iPro / Evil Morning Operator: Based from what I know, REAL emos wouldn't show off as one. They would hide feelings, not show them in physical form, so they would look and dress ordinarily (or too ordinarily) than emo-like. The only hint that he/she's emo is if you noticed he/she makes a lot of lies about him/herself and his/her life to make people think s/he has a good ordinary or positive life, and/or simply when that person doesn't tell much about his/her life to others. So you wouldn't know when an seemingly ordinary person you know or you're a strange at in your school would bring a gun at school and start killing people whom he hates or hated or who made him miserable before killing himself. I am yet to know why certain emos would do the opposite. Either they're so miserable that they show off how f*cked up their lives that they want to make people see them negatively or they don't care what people would think about them, or they show off because they simply want people to know/understand which I think gives them more control over their emotions, or, like EWJ said earlier, they're simply making themselves look cool. (no offense Evil Morning Operator)
  23. AWESOMENESS. Expecting to get it at March, too. I currently have Silent Hunter 4.