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Portal 2

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Portal 2 announced! :w00tdance:


Portal 2 Announced on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/news/3559/

Video Games Republic: http://videogamesrepublic.com/?p=14053

Wikipedia (more details): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_2

Expected release: October 2010

Just ought you know, the first Portal was actually just a "test" or an "experiment", to see if players are gonna like it or not, hence the short gameplay or few number of levels. Portal 2 will be the real deal, the full game. The game will have co-op multiplayer (finally!) and lengthier gameplay (hell yeah!).

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Will we get to meet other experiments? Oh-oh! Will it be an insight into Half-Life 3? Or maybe it will cross over with Half-Life 2: Ep3?

EDIT: RELEASED FOR MAC OSX?!!!! Oh, I am SOOOOO getting this one!

Edited by iMaster

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Like I've said, it will be the full game, so yeah it will be also for Mac OS X. :D

I don't think they would link this with HL3 or HL2: EP3. Other than the fact that they would want Portal to be a (mostly) separate game series from the HL series, this game takes place hundreds of years after Portal. Gordon and the rest of the Resistance may have already pwned the Combine by then. There however might be references from HL2, like Combine stuff lying around, in the levels.

Chell will be back, for sure (they said some robot put her to stasis after the ending of Portal), as well as GLaDOS, and yes there will be new characters. They weren't named yet, or their names weren't mentioned in public yet.

Offtopic: Your mention of the name "Half-Life 3" reminded me of my old abandoned mod project "Half-Life 0", a HL prequel I made up about Gordon's past teenage life. If I get the time, I might revive it and turn it to a HL2 mod, with some help this time.

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Nah, the combine would be pwned instead. Plus the G-Man might play an as**ole and put Gordon into stasis again.

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Well, the fact that it was in development was known for quite some time. About 2 years, if I'm right. So no, we are not slow, it's just you think you're the smartest one around.

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Yet you act like you're the smartest one, when actually you are the opposite and being annoying

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During the centuries that elapsed between both games, Personality Cores have carved out sections of the neglected Enrichment Center as their own, while traveling around the facility via the laboratory ceiling rails they are confined to, as they are appendage-less. One of them, named Wheatley, is concerned about the facility's deteriorating conditions and has grown tired of being forced to travel on these rails, which hinders his mobility. He wants to detach himself, but he is worried his fall might damage him. He then notices Chell in stasis, and decides to awaken her so that she can detach him safely. To convince her, he promises to share his knowledge of an escape route, then detaches himself. Chell however fails to catch him, but the fall apparently does not damage him much.[1]
The duo then takes on a journey throughout the defunct and heavily damaged facilities, while Wheatley blabbers incessantly. However he proves to be a very useful asset, as he can be plugged into various ports found throughout the labs, allowing him to access the mainframe and bypass obstacles. At some point on their journey they reach a massive cylindrical room populated with breaker switches, and filled with debris often blocking their path, containing what appears to be an escape pod to the outside. There Wheatley warns Chell that only the switch to power the escape pod should be flipped, so she leaves her Core friend to find the right one. Almost instantly, the neglected equipment malfunctions, and the floor below them reveals itself as an elevator that begins ascending, flipping all the switches on the periphery in the process. Acutely aware of the damage the malfunctioning has done, Wheatley scrambles to find an abort password, forgoing a practical algorithm for a sequential brute-force strategy: "AAAAAA? No. that's not it. AAAAAB? No? AAAAAC? You've got to be joking!".[1]
The climb halts as the platform comes flush with a door leading to an overgrown courtyard now housing the soulless shell of GLaDOS. Having failed to find the abort password, Wheatley fears to be punished by her. As the duo approaches, she awakens, and immediately recognizes Chell. After a short monologue, GLaDOS sends Chell back to the Test Chambers to resume her tests.[1] What happens to Wheatley afterward is unknown so far, although they are likely parted.

Sssssppppoooooiiiilllleeeerrrr alert.

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Yet you act like you're the smartest one, when actually you are the opposite and being annoying

No I'm not, this is how I am and how I act.

Don't attack my personality! :angry:

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