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Last Time Departed

Okay! How do i get it?

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I placed it in between these two sections which used to be right next to eachother.


$RC_TRAIN = 0 // integer values 

jump BTTF3_10@
//-------------Mission 0---------------

// Originally: Initial


thread 'INITIAL' 

$DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 250 // integer values 

$728 = 0.0625 // floating-point values 

0086: $729 = $728 // floating-point values o

And I replaced all of the #ZEBRA and #DELUXO in that section of code with #BFINJECT

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I figured out what happened. When I clicked convert from MB > SB it made everything that had green text, not green anymore. guess it needs to be that way... lol... And all the british pound signs need to be changed to "@".

But damn! now what? Everything looked pretty and started out okay... But now i can't start the game... it loads the bar at the bottom but then makes the, "Hey! You blueed up!!!" chime...

Edited by Luikseer

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Well, did you follow my tutorial to add KITT?

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Does that tell you how to make a Delorean into a KITT as well?

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It tells you how to add the regular KITT from GTA Vice City: KITT Edition into 0.2e, but does not do anything to it as a timetravelling vehicle.

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Alright! I got it to work... Now how would I go about giving it Time Circuits... or flying circuits? Either one will suffice for now...

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If you want flying then you'd have to have a heli model (e.g. recoloured Sparrow and have it replace the Polmav, at least that's what I did on mine - Though obviously the BTTF II flying model you use won't have the scanner when in flying mode....)

It takes a lot of code changes to do what you are wanting to do. For example, this was the last K.I.T.T. video I made, way back in February, and you'll see that I haven't added any of K.I.T.T.'s features, just Time travelling and flying.

You can however use a simple spawn which would spawn the vehicle with Time Circuits, no flying code though...

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See my signature. You might get "It is so weird" feeling but read carefully.

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Easiest way for someone who doesn't know coding is to just use a spawn code, like this:

Add at the bottom of create thread list - Under create_thread @BTTF3

create_thread @C_SPAWN

Add above the following code above //-------------Mission 0---------------


thread 'C_SPAWN' 

10@ = 154 // integer values


wait 10 



else_jump @C_SPAWN_34 


80E0:   not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving 

else_jump @C_SPAWN_34 

if and

00E1:   key_pressed 0 16 

00E1:   key_pressed 0 17 

else_jump @C_SPAWN_34 

018C: play_sound 1 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 

0@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR)

04C4: create_coordinate 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset -5.0 0.0 -0.75 


038B: load_requested_models 


wait 10 

if and


else_jump @C_SPAWN_224 

$165 = 0 // integer values 

0506: vehicle_model 13@ set_next_variation $165 $164 

13@ = Car.Create(10@, 1@, 2@, 3@)

Car.Angle(13@) = 0@


create_thread @T_TRAV 13@ 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5000.0 $438 $439 0 0 11122015 1500 10261985 100135 

wait 100 

jump @C_SPAWN_34

I should probably add, the key combination is sprint + fire (or right shift + left mouse button)

Edited by Mike

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Well you can change it where it says key_pressed. you need to know the key numbers though

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Okay. So I add Mike's code, and then I'll have it with TT capabilities but not KITT's stuff... and right now I have it with KITT's stuff but not TT capabilities... okay... strange... 4 questions then.

1. what do you mean by the trigger is sprint + Fire? the trigger to spawn the car?

2. all I have is the dff and txd for the driving mode bananas thing. How do I go about getting the transition Del and flying Del models to be Black with KITT's Light in the front?

3. How did you get the flying Del to turn upside down? And go straight up? That was sweet!!!

4. And where would I have to go to learn the number codes? Super Pursuit mode is button's 4 and 5. I want those to be the flying button's so I'd need to change it to like 7 and 8 or T and Y or something...

Not to mention the weapon rotation button is caps lock which kinda messes up the Time Circuits...

Edited by Luikseer

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I guess you need these, if you want to change the controls:

Character Decimal

Backspace 8

Tab 9

Enter 13

Shift (both) 16

Ctrl (both) 17

Pause 19

Caps Lock 20

Esc 27

Spacebar 32

Page Up 33

Page Down 34

End 35

Home 36

(left arrow) 37

(up arrow) 38

(right arrow) 39

(down arrow) 40

Insert 45

Delete 46

0 48

1 49

2 50

3 51

4 52

5 53

6 54

7 55

8 56

9 57

A or a 65

B or b 66

C or c 67

D or d 68

E or e 69

F or f 70

G or g 71

H or h 72

I or i 73

J or j 74

K or k 75

L or l 76

M or m 77

N or n 78

O or o 79

P or p 80

Q or q 81

R or r 82

S or s 83

T or t 84

U or u 85

V or v 86

W or w 87

X or x 88

Y or y 89

Z or z 90

(left Windows key) 91

(right Windows key) 92

(application key - 93

0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96

1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97

2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98

3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99

4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100

5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101

6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102

7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103

8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104

9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105

* (numpad) 106

+ (numpad) 107

- (numpad) 109

. (numpad) 110

/ (numpad) 111

F1 112

F2 113

F3 114

F4 115

F5 116

F6 117

F7 118

F8 119

F9 120

F10 121

F11 122

F12 123

Num Lock 144

Scroll Lock 145

; 186

= 187

, 188

- 189

. 190

/ 191

` 192

[ 219

\ 220

] 221

' 222

If not, well, sorry for spam :P

Edited by RG-FM 2.0

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One more thing... I read the code Mike gave me... How does it know what car to spawn?

And I tried your code mike but it says compiler error, T_TRAV not found

Edited by Luikseer

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Okay, the number codes aren't working... Anybody wanna take a wack at it?

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I need the coding to change the code from

key_pressed 0 19

to whatever makes it not be caps lock, I'd prefer backspace or "\" I just need the keypress code for that...

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Good luck with that one ;) You can only use certain keypresses in the scm.

Whats wrong with hitting shift and fire? I'm not seeing any complexity in doing that, unless I'm missing something.

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Only if the brake is set to SHIFT(as for me), but if not, there should be no headaches in using shift + fire..

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Well to quote the official controls it's sprint + action, so whatever you have those mapped to on your keyboard.

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I guess you need these, if you want to change the controls:

If not, well, sorry for spam :P

Don't Sanny Builder and some others of the like already contain a list of these keys, as well as opcodes, in their built-in manuals?

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They do it's in the help section... sweet... Okay, which threads do I need to copy to give it time circuits?


Edited by Luikseer

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