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Found 35 results

  1. Hello there again! I have noticed in the BTTF game from TellTale at the end there was a blue DeLorean. Now normally i would shrug it off but it seems that other mods include the infamous blue DeLorean, with some even calling it BTTF 4! Just curious because it could be pretty cool, also could we possible see a return of the DMC 13? Loved the model and how unique the car was. Thanks and keep up the good work!
  2. Hey guys, I'am a big fan of Back to the future II movie i like Michael J Fox. I wanted to tell you i saw the back to the future jacket from online store i bought it one for my husband, If you interesting in buy click here.
  3. BTTF KR Mod for GTA San Andreas Mod is developed accordance with the following films: - Back To The Future; - Knight Rider 1982; - Knight Rider 2000; - Knight Rider 2008. Created by: - Programist (Prodelkin Anatoly). Developers: - Programist (Prodelkin Anatoly) - modeler, designer, scripter; - SKaimanS (Pervukhin Michael) - main tester; - BPS (Makhonin Slava) - tester, designer; - 88M (Sidorov Semen) - tester, offered a variety of ideas to improve the mod; - PozitivBttf (Meyrbek Tleuzhanov) - modeler; - AVP (Dmitry Dik) - offered their DeLorean models; - Castro (Paul Osipenko) - Tester; - Mr. FraN WinchesteR (Alexander Emelyanov) - Tester; - Ramin (Nicholas Nosal) - tester. Special thanks to BTTF HV Team and bluespace88 for their initial development! http://www.bttfhillvalley.co.uk/home.html K.A.R.R. 2000 Teaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZBJat5ZQAo Old build video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQXdF2mWSKM News, announcements, etc. can be found at official VK group --- PS: Mod is developed from scratch, it is not based on the BTTF SA Mini Mod and Source Code by bluespace88
  4. Btw I've always loved quality In-seat view in videogames, so this made me truly happy. When does 0.3 come out? :).
  5. Hello ! I'm a new member on this forum, and i've a problem ... i've download the mod "BTTF_SA_0.1.3.2_Setup.exe" on moddb.com I install the mod correctly and i launch the game. So, when i start a new game or i launch a save game, an error spawn on the desktop : I love this mod ! one year ago i could play whit it without problem. Today there is this error. Please help, sorry for my english i'm french :/ Thank you !!!
  6. Is there a way to install the mod so that it can be loaded with Modloader?
  7. Hi, My problem is that when I install HV (GTA SA v1), it crashes with SA Limit Adjuster. This is the error I get: https://pastebin.com/jkbQijEB It worked yesterday and now it isnt. Before I got it working, I got the same error. Not sure how to fix this, what should I do? Nick
  8. Version 0.2f Update 01


    The first update to 0.2f. Simply install over the top of your existing installation of BTTF HV version 0.2f. The update addresses the following issues: -Reinstates the start line for the lightning strike run on Nov 12th 1955 -Reinstates the correct model when time travelling via the clock tower lightning strike -Fixes the crash caused when pushing the railroad DeLorean up to 88 mph with the Rogers 131 locomotive -Fixes the wormhole sound effect bug - Fixes traffic missing after a short time - Fixes spawning issues with Doc's truck and wrecks of it generating at Sunshine Autos - Fixes lights on Doc's truck (submission) causing a crash - Fixes the Jules Verne Timetrain dropping through the roof of Vercetti's Mansion - Fixes crash when timetravelling with the BTTF3 DeLorean using the remote control - Added (WIP) hover conversion animation for 2015 Luxor Cab Company Citroën DS Taxi - Added an ini-file to change keybindings (see bttf-hv.ini) - Added opcode definition for memory manipulation script in game script source to fix crashes when compiling custom changes - Remapped hover conversion keybind on 2015 Police car to use the global hover conversion button Also included are all of the source code files for the mod
  9. Jesus it's been quite a while since I've been here. So to start this off I will post the potential bugs I found...now I don't know if they are bugs but to me they are! 1. Cars driving through hill valley during the night of the thunderstorm.... it's horrible but that's not the bug, so I travelled to nov 12 1955 10:03pm and the alarm clock went off.... good but I failed because of the cars... however when I time travelled back to 10:03pm the alarm clock did NOT go off and thus I missed the opportunity to do the event. 2. When the flying delorean is struck by lightning and going from flying to car... I can't move the delorean during the animation cycle.....which caused me to plummet into the ocean to my death. 3. The rogers locomotive floats at it's spawn point after pushing the delorean to 88mph 4. This one might not be a bug but......I wasn't able to make the DMC13 time machine.... was it removed ? I don't recall if it was removed in base 0.2f 5. certain cars are missing their wheels until they're really far away where they look complete also I've got a lot of issues trying to get the dev builds to run like after installing the game would boot to black screen and soft lock my PC forcing me to reboot so to even get this stream done I had to use the manual installer. Anyway I'll be covering the mod more in the future when I can get the dev builds running xD, take care! full stream can be found here: if you spot anything I might of missed....then it's a good job I stream
  10. I was playing on bttf hill valley version 3.5 (the one with the fully modeled hill valley, mall, drive in, everything) I had replicated the first time travel scene from bttf 3. I want to Sept. 02 (accidentally 3rd ) 1885 at 8:00 am. at 08:02 am at the clock tower, a delorean had came out of nowhere near the lightning wire only to find out, it was doc! I tried again recording hopefully about to catch the anomaly in time but caught nothing . Plz tell how to trigger this again. ~your partner in time, nitrogendelorean397
  11. Hello, i have BTTF SA Mini Mod with Source Code 20101105 and the point is, when i try to replace the DeLorean model found on bttf.img, when the game starts it crashes and i have to restore the original img (i have backup of the whole mod), the reason why i was trying to change it is because the default one looks bad, and i have the Telltale model and i want to use it. And i can change models on gta3.img
  12. Back to the Future 0.2f lags on my computer, but the GTA Vice City not lags. My computer: VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP integrated video card 2.67 GhZ processor 1 GB RAM 64 MB Video memory. GTA Vice City not lags, because the System Requirements allowed. What the System requirements of the BTTF 0.2f mod? And the 0.2e R2 not lags too.
  13. Wow today was a sad day. I was lucky enough to be one of the last people to go on the back to the future ride. But I wasn't the only fan there for sure. Since its located at Universal Studios Japan so many people came out to dress up and participate in the closing. It was absolutely inspiring to see so many fans of the series come out for one last ride I made a whole video about it check it out, it might just blow your mind! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWRagbF1NFk
  14. So I know this probably isn't where this belongs but not getting any help in the other sections. Been trying to get this mod to work with Vice cry, but so far to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Hi, I'm having trouble with figuring out how to enter the Destination time with the number-pad on the keyboard. Is they're like some way to put it in order or something? Help ASAP - Gage PS: Its Version 0.2f (just in case)
  16. ok so I've converted the 0.2f models to san andreas but I now need help in san andreas I need someone to texture the wheel opening from bttf 2 to flying bttf2 ( when you press 0 or CTRL to go into flying mode) I also need help getting the coil glow on the models to fit (I'm using delorean88mp's mod pack and I want the coil glow to fit) much help appreciated also I've attached a picture of what the 0.2f bttf3 delorean looks like in san andreas ( converted by me)
  17. alright I thought I'd showcase in a video some of the best features of 0.2f. there are bugs like time traveling by pushing the delorean to 88MPH while using cutscene time travel hill valley looked buggy when I was driving up to it, the models had no back to them at the start of hill valley trying to add the hook to the BTTF1 delorean crashes the game the game randomly crashes while in docs truck at the airport and also once or twice the game has crashed while getting into the time train its all unhandled exeption errors. if I find more crashes and when they happen I'll add them here
  18. Custom Location for Location Circuits in the 04 - from 0.2e Valley Video in Hill Valley Downtown in 1980's from Back to the Future: The Game. Starbase Zero - Hill Valley Apartment - A1 Liquors in 1980's from Back to the Future: The Game Time Changing Hill Valley Downtown 1930's from Back to the Future: The Game Sisters of Mercy Soup Kitchen (In Hill Valley Downtown) - inside - Back alley - El Kid (Inside: Under Construction in June 13) - El Kid (Inside and Teleport to O'Malley & Sons Barber Shop) in 1930's from Back to the Future: The Game Billiards Parlor - Hill Valley Apartment - Valley Bakery in 1930's from Back to the Future: The Game Hill Valley Science Exposition (Hill Valley High School) (1930's Version) from Back to the Future: The Game Unknown Place before Lyon Estaes was buited. (1930's Version) from Back to the Future: The Game Doc's garage* - Inside (1930's Version) from Back to the Future: The Game Pohatchee Drive-In Theater (1955) *If that mod was available yet...
  19. Hi Guys, I Want to share this with you, finally i found a HQ Model of all deloreans. it will be for GTA Vice City Only! Hope You like The HQ BTTF1 Model (Other Deloreans Soon!)
  20. Hi Guys, Can Anyone Give me 3D Models of All Time machine delorians. From BTTF: The Game. Thanks For Reading.
  21. Does anyone know if there is a way to get the 0.2F time circuits into 0.2E R2? I love that version of the mod to death but it is always a drag when I have to constantly spam capslock and ctrl in order to set the dates. I wish it was like 0.2F where it had the awesome map and models as well as the numpad time circuits! Anyone know how to make this dream come true?
  22. I Think I mentioned this in another topic, but it was on topic so, I am wondering if anyone has knows about someone named Programist who made modifications the BTTF SA 0.3.2 code and added more features such as all the DeLoreans and improved effects, a teleport code that lets you teleport to in the timecircuits.cs (which I myself am trying to figure out how to make usable on all DeLoreans),a Railroad mission, RC DeLoreans, etc. It also has K.I.T.T and C.A.R.R. I got it from here: http://bttf-sg-mod.ucoz.ru/load/back_to_the_future/source_code_for_gta_sa/sourse_code_01_03_2012/8-1-0-349 It also looks a lot like Delorean88MP's All DeLorean Add-ons mod.
  23. http://youtu.be/-LiDOqClav4 Feel free to download the video with a youtube to mp3 downloader, and use them in your game if you wish.
  24. Are there any good skin selectors that are CLEO4 compatible?
  25. Ok guys this is a dedicated thread for updates on my K.A.T.T edit for San andreas Have fun everyone and when it gets to a stage of an actual release I will ask permission to release I will not put a download link without permission from the people I got the scripts from I of course edited scripts and a texture to make K.A.T.T I reworked the texture I made a custom voice for K.A.T.T as of now K.A.T.T has almost no weapons now what does K.A.T.T feature? A garage to make DeLorean time machines Flying mode Nuclear bomb Time circuits Pursuit mode ( makes him go really fast) Turbo boost ( makes him jump high) A voice A re-fillable Mr fusion Night vision it also features the bttf 1 and III and Railroad DeLorean along with the time train Rogers locamotive to push the railroad Delorean Custom texture so here we go for today then hmm 26/03/2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88wgz0q5Hdw Fixed the time machines so they time travel added time train and rogers locamotive added garage scripts and edits by myself, Delorean88MP and BTTFModMachine Texture re edit by me K.A.T.T voice by me I forgot who I got the Crysis DeLoreans from * edit* I am cutting out SPM mode altogether it is just too much hassle to make a model then figure out how to texture it ***** UPDATE 02/04/2014***** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qMu6SbAXlo&feature=youtu.be ( Video is only a preview) New texture for K.A.T.T Movie accurate effects Movie accurate flying ( Thanks uokka) Now includes ALL DeLoreans 1-3rr K.I.T.T scanner for K.A.T.T more to come...any help is appreciated and you will be credited **** UPDATE 02/07/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMmxDbLZrdQ Time circuits AND time travel enabled for the time train Doctor who TARDIS sfx for teleport to marker script note : can someone help me with the sound problem for the time train thanks ****UPDATE 04/07/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n6oOlEh4Hs You can now spawn all the DeLoreans using the numberline ranging from 1 - 6, number 1 - 4 are for the movie DeLoreans 5 is for the time train and 6 is for KATT All DeLoreans minus the RR DeLorean can time travel at 88 MPH Time Train sounds fixed (sorta) the door sounds are still DeLorean but sparks sounds do not loop like last time thanks to BTTFModMachine for the help on that one Teleport to marker with TARDIS sfx mapped only to KATT something I forgot to mention is that the boost sounds and the take off sounds are way too low for some reason all Time circuits in this has a multi function mode where you can fly (cheat code version) and float on water (cheat code version) I won't be able to use it till the time circuits are fixed and don't crash when I press 0 on the num pad...it activates an old script and tries to turn any Del into the sparrow if someone wants to help feel free to edit the script...just ask for it **** UPDATE 12/07/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaLnSfpLVII New sparks for K.A.T.T Fixed the 0 on the num pad glitch ( thanks to uokka) Added 2nd flying mode for K.A.T.T Added float on water added fly and float on water as an all in one option Fixed the TARDIS (optional thing) removed night vision mode (it was a weird thing) thanks to DeLorean88mp, uokka, BTTFModMachine and everyone who helped with this **** UDATE 23/07/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG9ikH7O5kU&feature=youtu.be Removed secondary flight and swimming modes Applied patch so cars do not float away when hit Fixed SFX for pursuit mode and turbo boost bugs with certain sound SFX Each DeLorean used by a different character **** UDATE 29/07/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ceyOi1KrCs New sparks and implosion wormhole for K.A.T.T ( More orange over blue) New wormhole Exit, yellow, blue then yellow updated the sparks and effects on bttf 3 delorean off topic stuff TARDIS now materialises in front of player TARIDS can teleport to the marker on the map TARDIS can teleport randomly to any location and time gives out sonic screw driver on entry proper sfx for TARDIS in flight TARDIS thrusts forward at max speed with the push of the left mouse button **** UPDATE 6/08/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt47EPa_7Jo Gave K.A.T.T a colour changing wormhole merged K.A.T.T with Delorean88mp's mod pack added uokka's flying script all of this came from a failure yesterday so I'm happy its all working **** UDATE 11/08/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wbBc2Q2rwI&feature=youtu.be ok to start your mondays off here is a little K.A.T.T update :3 whats in it this time? K.I.T.T K.A.R.R Telltale bttf 2 delorean green wormhole (without editing the effects.fxp) unforunatly its for all Deloreans that use a wormhole implosion the white boxes when you turn on KITT's scanner needs some work KARR's version needs work too Thanks to BTTF KR mode team for KITT and KARR... I can't figure out how to make their buttons appear on screen also if anyone from that modding team reads this please do fix the amazing lag in the game please <3 its a great mod pack but a lot of bugs **** UPDATE 16/08/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-gS0uR8S88 New wormholes for Deloreans 1 through RR Green wormhole for K.A.T.T More interface stuff for K.I.T.T A little bit of interface stuff for K.A.R.R K.I.T.T and K.A.R.R have protect mode so they will follow you and can be activated at the same time ( by getting into each car and activating it ) BTTF1 delorean has white smoke pass by after entering the worm hole All DeLoreans including K.A.T.T has their engine turned off after time travel ( it is turned on again by holding down i ) **** UPDATE 19/08/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFLuG--l58Y Ok this update is coming in late because the site went down A second BTTF3 RR delorean assigned to 1 on the number line Programists train script ported to K.A.T.T mod pack There are a few bugs in this like the trains new model not actually touching the RR del in the mini mission the RR del doesn't always time travel at 88MPH and when marty says 70 its not synched up with the spedonetre ( might be because I am using delorean88mp's spedometer **** UPDATE 02/09/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8_ivaqDDk Hoverboard (script by puma and model by someone else) Crysis bttf 1 DeLorean Iced up DeLorean ( thanks to uokka) Lybians and new plutonium location Docs garage and house by loadgamePL New smoke effect when you cutscene timetravel via bttf 1 delorean **** UPDATE 07/09/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGNXgPGECyc I've got a lot planned for you in this episode now whats in this episode? keep in mind I broke the game so I had to re-build...not bad eh? Dell KARR New dmc 12 delorean from forza motorsport 3 with the engine sounds from the delorean in Gran turismo on the psp New spawn options for: K.A.T.T BTTF1 delorean BTTF2 delorean just ignore the sound glitches it happens KATT and KARR both have scanners ( KATT's one is a mistake so he has 2 scanners) BTTF1 delorean stays cold for much longer like in the movie the other deloreans minus the BTTF1 delorean have their cold.s files restored to what they were before **** UDATE 28/09/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjIyBVGvQI&feature=youtu.be sorry its been a while but I took time off to catch up on anime, manga etc etc and my music remixes :3 whats new? New shade of yellow for K.A.R.R's coils New Mr fusion chamber for K.A.R.R Whole new interior for K.A.T.T New coil colour for K.A.T.T ( two tone black over red) A slightly re-textured Teltale delorean ( note for BTTFModMachine and uokka and trance it only looks stainless steel in the shadows and away from sunlight) Removed K.A.T.T's scanner and the same for K.A.R.R I know there is no implosion for the BTTF2 del but it will get fixed soon enough I need to re-add the comet RR del spawn code for the train mini mission thing I removed K.A.T.T's scanner and K.A.R.R's scanner along with their knight rider abilities on the basis it majorly glitched out, you'd press + to turn on the time circuits AND the scanner along with its abilities....yeah...will work on that **** UPDATE 24/10/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g7OaEQrAig&feature=youtu.be Ok so you guys know the site was down which stopped me from updating my mod update thread but I have been handy at work re-building the mod pack on this new pc A list of new features K.A.T.T has new coils K.A.R.R has a new timetravel script ( with new effects) I introduce the A.I.M car as my test time machine from the A.I.M mod pack K.A.T.T has his nuclear bomb back K.A.T.T and K.A.R.R have turbo boost K.A.R.R has a new set of handling and ide lines A.I.M and K.A.R.R have bi-directional wheels, when you handbrake the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction of the front wheels I introduce the crysis BTTF3 and BTTF3 RR deloreans with hoverboards inside them Doctor who daleks replace the rhino tanks **** UPDATE 16/11/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnD8yyx2ing Hey guys I took a hiatus because I re-built this mod pack again but this time I used modloader as to minimise the bugs. Thank uokka for the tip ok so what's new? I've got a color mod installed so that the red and other colors will shine in the sunlight There is a guard tower next to the hanger in the airstrip new sparks for all deloreans using sparks.s new spark sounds for K.A.T.T. new spark sounds for the A.I.M test time machine skin selector is back....yay? the game would crash instantly as soon as I tried to switch skins but not anymore turbo boost and its sound is back (it used to be silent and other commands used it for no reason the TARDIS makes a return changed K.A.T.T.'s implosion to large explosion I hope you guys and gals and timelords/time ladies enjoy this not long till a download O_O should I just rar it all up or make it into a torrent?? **** UPDATE 10/12/2014**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2_fFteSgUU&feature=youtu.be added a download link to the mod pack added tommy lu's updated TARDIS (not included in the pack, an older one is included) new TARDIS de-materialization sound ( from tommylu's update and then edited by me) replaced the train script back too delorean88mp's **** UPDATE 01/01/2015**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KakRQd9jgp0 its an unofficial update but I've ported K.A.T.T over to the A.I.M mod pack he has a new look, taking over the bttf 1 time machine ( I can't recolour the crysis deloreans properly due to one texture covering a lot of things) he has all the same stuff as before but the time travel is much more simplified (from the A.I.M pack) just push a single button and go dual mini guns that fire he can hover he can sort of fly and I show off tommylu's new TARDIS and stuff **** UPDATE 08/01/2015**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqHYYmESVPQ I mess around with some skins K.A.T.T has his SPM mode back (with a lovely animation that only adds pieces to the car and does not switch to another model) in the way that I have always wanted. I fixed all the coils for the BTTF 1 delroean through too RR delorean when the coils lit up their used to be a solid blue colour inside the coils well I removed that so the coils only glow in all the time machines I re-textured san andreas, new map etc etc added an updated version of tommylu's TARDIS into my pack with k9, psychic paper etc also if you download tommylu's current doctor who pack make sure to put it into a clean install and update cleo, I can't use all of the features due to me running cleo anyways I think thats it, please enjoy ****UPDATE 13/02/2015**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH_rJU8embM its been a while cuz I've been ill.....I hate being ill I've brought back programmists code for KITT and KARR and I will not distribute it either I've re-named the deloreans in docs garage I've added text to the blank selection boxes when spawning in K.A.T.T and Delo K.A.R.R I think thats it have fun ****UPDATE 22/06/2015**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOrShaJo3zc ok I've been away for too long..... but I'm back I've made a version of deloK.A.R.R based off his season 3 build both deloK.A.R.R's have time circuits and abilities removed SPM from K.A.T.T