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Nickumtoo last won the day on January 15 2018

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  1. hmmm i guess that would make sense. Sorry to bother but do you think you could possibly point me in the right direction of where the original deluxo model might be? When i got the Crysis DeLorean model it was an "all in one" setup and it claimed it had the wheel textures... I guess i will keep digging. Thank you for all of your help! BTW when i try and place the original wheel textures back the game crashes so for some reason it doesn't like that.... anyways, thanks again!
  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, especially in so much detail! I will post a pic right now, and ill see about trying to find original texture file and adding it but like you said it only happens during the hover conversion animation... anyway thanks again!!
  3. I'm sorry Leaf i really don't know where to put this. And no I am using San Andreas. In san andreas I have simply replaced the normal delorean models from the BTTF mini mod to the Crysis delorean models. I replaced everything perfectly in bttf.img and in gta3.img and yet when switching into hover mode it just has "white wheels" I guess they are untextured? edit: Sorry again Leaf... i REALLY do not know what i am doing both on this site and in general with modding. I'm learning but i'm nowhere near how incredible you guys are... edit x2: Oh! Also thank you for actually looking at my problem. If by some chance you were unable to help me, could you point me in the right direction of someone who could? Thanks, and sorry again! Fixed ~Leaf~
  4. Loved this series!! Watched on YouTube a few months ago! STILL trying to get all these mods to work together...
  5. Hello all! So basically I have taken to modding SA again and just LOVE the Crysis DeLorean models. However for some reason when entering hover mode with the BTTF2 as well as other modded DeLoreans that share the same animation, the wheels are a bright white. At first I thought it was the models but when the DeLorean is just driving the wheels are normal, so i have no idea. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Let me know if you need more clarification as i really wanna fix this! Anyways basically I have modified the base models as well as a few things in bttf.img (again if i must be more specific please inform me) as well as in gta3.img. Again help would be VERY appreciated! I need these beautiful cars!! See you in the future.... or the past!
  6. Ok so this what my problem too and here's how i fixed it. First start up FRESH GTA SA and just hit new game. Play the first mission and save as soon as you get the chance. Now go back to your modded GTA and load that save game. Mix in the properties compatibility mode and the Windows DEP trick and remember, a lot of the time it wont work... but when it does, it is glorious! Also let me know if you need me to further explain thins, assuming your familiar with modding
    The hard work and dedication in this, is insane. This team, this community is incredible! As stated previously by Peter is the time train no longer keeps its momentum when time traveling in cutscene mode. Other than that it is fantastic! One question, could there be a timeline where the dmc-13 Time Machine makes a return? I understand why it was removed but it was so unique and cool! Anyways excellent as always!
  7. try going to properties and then compatibility mode and attempt using XP or vista, also run as administrator! Hope this helps!
  8. For gta 4 you can lookup The ultimate back to the future mod 1.0. It comes with an easy auto installer so just select where you're main copy of the game is and hit start from there once your in game use the console command key (different for everyone but usually bellow escape) the type "spawn bttf2" or whichever DeLorean you want bearing in mind that the number corresponds with the movie time machine. From there use num pad + to activate time circuits, num pad - to refill mr fusion or the plutonium respectively, get that baby to 88 miles per hour and see some serious crap! Also for bttf2 use F7 to fly and F8 to land. Happy time traveling, let me know if you need help getting it running.
  9. could you possibly release these models soon? They're looking absolutely fantastic! Glad to see everyone is still going at it. You all of truly moved mountains.

  10. Oh Duh! Of course its at the beach! My bad.
  11. Hello there again! I have noticed in the BTTF game from TellTale at the end there was a blue DeLorean. Now normally i would shrug it off but it seems that other mods include the infamous blue DeLorean, with some even calling it BTTF 4! Just curious because it could be pretty cool, also could we possible see a return of the DMC 13? Loved the model and how unique the car was. Thanks and keep up the good work!