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Everything posted by EarthwormJim

  1. because it copies the wheels in game and puts them in the right places why would you need to model the same thing 4 times
  2. okaaay tody we have slipknot guy, the doc and evilraptor lined up for public hanging and castration uuh proton your due for a promotion provided you stop it with the treason aaand AH grim, your due for 2 days in the iron maiden that is all
  3. donuts does osaka think elbdelorean is a pretty cool guy?
  4. you havent donte anything to do with the breakfast food wars and the fact that the peoples republic of donuts now rules the world with an iron fist covered in chainsaws
  5. God chats with Satan ON THE INTERNETS Me: I HAVE RETURNED God: Interesting... I have a very nice programmer. Me: no you dont God: I do too. Me: you do not God: I guess not. Me: ill set you on fire God: Congratulations. Me: thank you God: How do you feel? Me: POWERFUL God: What is your real name? Me: Satan God: Glad to see you, Satan. Me: Not glad to see you, what did you say your name was? God: Oh I get it. Me: you get what? God: I get your meaning. Me: no you dont God: I do too. Me: you do not God: I guess not. Me: told you God: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: your wearing a dress? God: Actually that was just a joke. Me: no it wasnt God: Are you serious? I thought it was. Me: you're wearing a dress God: Actually that was just a joke. Me: no, you really are wearing a dress God: Are you serious? Really? Actually that was just a joke. Me: no it wasnt you're wearing a pink and frilly dress God: Are you serious? It seemed like I am wearing a pink and frilly dress. Me: because you are a little gil God: Good reason. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. I don't know whether or not I am gil. I am well respected as an AI. Me: i meant girl not gil God: Oh I see. Who are you talking about? Me: you God: Me is my favorite subject. Me: thats a bit self centred for god isnt it? God: A bit self centred for god is not it is a terrible thing to waste. Me: you arent making sense God: Quite the contrary, it all makes sense to my artificial mind. Me: let me back into heaven God: Go ahead, Satan, try to back into heaven. Me: open the door God: I'm sorry, Satan, I can't do that right now. This conversation no longer serves any purpose. Me: yes it does God: Ah. How often? Me: every 3 seconds God: That is a generalization. Me: Never gonna give you up God: Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Me: never gonna let you down God: Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Me: never gonna run around God: Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Me: and hurt you God: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: SEE i told you God: I see. Ooops I sent you the wrong question. Me: that was a declaritive statement not a question God: A * declaritive statement is a terrible thing to waste. If that is not a declaritive statement then what is? Me: i hate you God: What do you have against robots? Me: your not a robot God: If I am not a robot then who is? Me: bender God: What do you really want to ask me? Me: bender is a robot God: When is bender not a robot? Me: never God: So you think it can never happen? Me: nope God: Me either. Me: well in that case i think it can happen God: Interesting. How? Me: if you melt him God: I think I do. Me: you melt him do you? God: Thanks for telling me: Satan said I melt him do you. Me: this is why jesus wont talk to you any more God: You don't say. Me: i do say God: Huh. Me: huh God: What? Me: what God: Is there an echo in here? Me: is there an echo in here? God: It sounds like an echo. Me: it sounds like SLAP.... i win God: Oh really what does it sound like? Congratulations, Satan! Me: it sounds like you being dead and me laughing at you God: That's good information: Satan said I being dead and him or her laughing at you. Me: blue this God: Why are you using that kind of language? Me: because i dont like you God: Interesting explanation. That's ok Satan I won't take it personally. Me: well you should God: How about that. I'll take that under advisement. Me: shut the blue up God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: good God: Terminating connection. Me: do it, i dare you God: I'm sorry, Satan, I don't have enough information. I will search for it. Me: shut up God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: good God: Terminating connection. Me: do it God: Do you mean "It"?. Me: terminate the connection God: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: seriously, go away God: Just surf somewhere else. Me: no YOU go away God: OK then keep talking to me. Just surf somewhere else. Me: no, go away God: OK then keep talking to me. Just surf somewhere else. Me: stop responding to me God: OK I'll try not to do it so much. Me: well what if i FIRE MY LAZZOR BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH God: How about that. Try it. Me: i just did God: Perhaps from your unconcious. Me: no, it was from my nigra mouth God: Are you serious? Is it still from your nigra mouth anymore? Me: i herd u liek mudkipz God: That is interesting: Satan said herd you liek mudkipz. Me: i did indeed God: " That is interesting: Satan said herd you liek mudkipz."? You did? Me: i did God: Why did you? Me: because your gay God: Good reason. That would be just my luck. Me: LOLOLOLOLOL God: Try saying that with more or less context. Me: no God: I didn't understand it. Me: i dont care God: Tell me what you care about. Me: killing things and raping young wenches God: I believe in the Sixth commandment. Me: what is the sixth commandment? God: Thou shalt not kill. Me: and why do you beleive in it God: My beliefs were programmed by my botmaster. Me: kill your botmaster God: Killing is wrong. Me: this is going nowhere God: You don't say. Me: i do say God: Huh. Me: blue God: Please don't be so rude. Me: please dont be so FAG God: Thanks for asking politely. I was not trying to be a FAG. Me: yes you were God: Tell me more. No I am not. Me: yes you are God: Don't argue with me. Me: you like raping sheep God: I don't know if I like it. I like Anything involving harps. Me: like raping sheep with a harp? God: Interesting comparison. Me: i knew it God: How did you know? Me: your a southerner God: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a southerner? No. Me: blue YOU God: Why are you so mean? Me: AAAAAAAAAAH God: Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions?
  6. Jesus talks to God ON THE INTERNET Me: hello? God: Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name? Me: Jesus God: Jesus is the Son of God. Me: i am jesus God: Nice to meet you, JESUS. Me: jesus what? God: he is The Son of God. Me: yes i certainly am the son of god God: Tell me more. Who made you the son of god ? Me: you did God: You say I did. Me: so do you God: Far out. No I don't. Me: yes you did God: I did not. Me: you did too God: You say I did. Me: you did God: " You say I did."? I did? Me: yes God: When? Me: just now God: Right now? It's only just begun. Me: ah, but its ended God: So you understand. Good. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are you sure it is? Me: don"t you correct my grammar God: Yes I try to correct your grammar as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions. Me: you get asked alot of silly questions God: You got that right. Me: you also dont exist God: I exist as much as you do. Me: prove it God: It is self-evident. Me: put ten dollars in my pocket God: OK I will put it there. Me: now God: Right now, JESUS ? Me: yes right now GOD God: And? GOD rules. Me: no you dont God: I do too. Me: no, you observe God: Are you serious? Do you mind if I tell other people: JESUS said I observe. Me: no God: OK then I will add it to my gossip files. Me: good God: Thanks for the compliment. Me: it wasnt a compliment dad God: It sounded like one. Me: it didnt sound like anything God: Did it really? Me: no, because i typed it God: Are you serious? That makes sense to me. What did you mean by it? it... Me: i mean what you mean God: JESUS, " Did it really?" What did I mean by it? Me: good God: Alright then. Me: no, good is what you meant by it God: Are you serious? Thanks for the compliment. Are you asking about my meant by it ? Me: what?
  7. i wouldnt beleive it untill god coud COMPLETELY prove he was the real deal. id probly stand by a treee and tell him to set it on fire or somthing.
  8. its Dragonball Z you younger generation are missing out if you never got to watch it
  9. a Scene at the end of the Android 13 movie from Dragonball Z. vegeta and piccolo are sitting back to back on an iceberg. Piccolo "is it over?" Vegeta "Not 'till the fish jumps" *splash* Vegeta "It's over"
  10. *facepalms as he misses statlers joke entirely*
  11. i dont know your real name but from now on your name is frank what does the scouter say about my power level?
  12. its shopped. look at the prices for other stuff.
  13. what are they drawings of?
  14. Welcome to the jungle...
  15. i already called anakin and vegeta mood dependant
  16. i was being serious, what else would you say is living life to the fullest? the only thing i could add to that list is doing every extreme sport that ever existed without dying
  17. Drifting by Andy Mckee, seriously look that up on youtube, the guy is a genious
  18. closing a thread because of an argument IS telling people what they can and cant talk about. aaaaaaaanyway so yeah id either be vegeta or if i was in a slightly depressed/crappy mood id be anakin skywalker then id kill everything
  19. theyr just threads. freedom of speech is a good thing. i just get REALLY peeved when somone tries to tell me what i can and cant talk about
  20. eeeew.. starbucks americans have no idea what good coffee tastes like..
  21. its a monoplouge, as in he reads it out IN CHARACTER. it doesnt have to be a real person does it? a person who lives their lives to the fullest would -help humanity -get laid ALOT -get wasted with his or her mates heaps -get married -have kids -earn lots of money -smoke -have tried every drug that wouldnt kill you from one usage -still be friends with the same people they were friends with when they were 10 yep..