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Everything posted by Arvark

    Pros: New DeLoreans New models Roger Locomotive Keypad input for time circuits New animation for when you get in the DeLorean (lol it's a small thing but still) Cons: Crashes, especially if I push the delorean with Roger. Marty's model is too cartoonish 7/10 3.5/5 (but I gave a full 4 in the rating)
  1. So Hill Valley is located in California right?
  2. So uh, at what time will the mod be released?
  3. That'd be AWESOME. I've been working in Unity but it's a bit weird for me so something like that would be awesome, but it's probably impossible.
  4. Disinstalla GTA Vice City e poi cancella la cartella, e re-installa la mod.
  5. Can I get all of your released addons in one rar file?
  6. Arvark

    My models

    Note! These are RENDERS, the model will not look like this in the 3D program/in the game
  7. Arvark

    My models

    I started the LYON ESTATES Sing a few minutes ago, it's almost finished, I don't know how to do the lions though , for the textures it's easy, It doesn't needs any textures, I can use blender's material (For the render, but i'll need texture when i'll put it in game)
  8. Arvark


    Hey, if you need a modeler for any project just contact me in PM. I can give you some references
  9. Arvark

    My models

    I updated the traint tracks, but I'll post it Tommorow
  10. Arvark

    My models

    Took them from various image (Most of them are 0.2f textures, but i used add ons textures and movie images)
  11. Arvark

    My models

    UPDATE! In 20 minutes i updated the Welcome to Hill Valley sign, textures are not mine though
  12. Arvark

    My models

    Hey! Here are my models! The most of them are Low-Poly What do you think? Made with blender 2.7, rendered with Cycles. I modeled the class in 3 Days (I was busy with other things) I modeled the desk in 2 days I modeled the clocktower in 2 days (I was busy all the morning those days) I started the train tracks and the sign half an hour ago What else can I model? If they want I'd like to help the Team.
  13. They say that they haven't got any modeler ecc. But Mike isn't answering my PM!
  14. LOL, there's a topic that shows my WIP Clocktower
  15. Hey! The model is W.I.P. I started it yesterday! I don't have any texture, i need to do the lions and the windows in the middle . Made with Blender 3D 2.70. If someone could give me some texture i could put it in VC
  16. Sure, but i don't have any tex, anyway, since i don't have enough posts to sent a PM, i'll open a topic showing my progress
  17. The Italian Team is dead. I'm working on the Clocktower, i can give you some pic if you want
  18. They want team members? I sent an email to the team, but they didn't answer
  19. Not that, search switching mod gta vc
  20. I think it's cleo, but i'm not sure. I can't see the shoutbox...
  21. There's a script for GTA VC, so you can switch characters like in GTA V, can you put Biff, Doc and Marty?
  22. Arvark


    Anyway, what's an IFT Investor?
  23. Arvark


    I could not remember the nickname, but I found that out yesterday, simple