Destination Time
Present Time
Last Time Departed

10 Screenshots

About This File


Switch on/off time circuits - +

Destination time is entered via the keypad or top row of buttons on the keyboard, confirm your entry with the minus key -

Open/Close doors on Jules Verne Train - T

Open/Close rear tail gate on Docs truck - Y

Change BTTF 2 DeLorean to hover mode - C

Toggle cutscene / instant time travel - M

Connect BTTF 3 railroad delorean to Rogers locomotive - Numpad 4

Rogers push BTTF 3 railroad delorean - Horn

Alternate download link: Should you are have issues downloading the file from our website, please try the download mirror on Moddb on the link below:


If you have issues installing the mod, please refer to the 0.2e install tutorial on youtube, as the same applies to the 0.2f installer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyaXgSMrQ6E


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