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Everything posted by Gir

  1. well i hope they are not identical i will get them mixed up but i think it will be two girls well at least i hope so
  2. we are finding out what we are having in 16 days and i wanted to see if people on here would like to know
  3. well i know it was probably late but i vote for my hubby
  4. Gir

    Me and DK

    well i want more kids but dk dont
  5. what would think if you walked into a house that had christmas decorations up but also halloween decorations
  6. because i snapped im just very emotional im pregnant i have biploar and im very upset right now
  7. well if you just think before you say something then that will be fine im sorry if i got snappy but im tired and i cant sleep and im worried about him
  8. but the thing is he cant help it and you giving him any kind of attitude hurts him even more look at this website maybe it might help you a bit Visit My Website
  9. why are you acting like you care you treat him like crap i dont understand it you say you cant stand him and things but then you go and say "omg whats wrong" what are you trying to pull you dont care about him so stop acting like it i mean if you really honestly do care then start showing it i know your only human but do you understand though what he is going threw if you look up ocd and adhd you will see what he goes threw
  10. its other peopel they know who they are i dont want to pint any fingers
  11. its his ocd its out of control and between what people on here have said to him about not being able to control it and me trying to get him to spend more time with me it got to him he said that certain people on hear just dont care what he goes threw and he hates it when people are mad at him so he is trying to change so he can be liked by alot of people this is so hard for me its not even funny we have always been with each other every night and tonight i dont have him he just wants people to understand why he does what he does
  12. Dk just called me from the hospital and they are might just do a med change and then he will be home and in case anyone is wondering i will be signing in as dk for him every once in a while
  13. This is a fail form the six flags up where we live.
  14. yeah its our house we just wanted to know what everyone else thought the reason we are doing it is because i wanted to be part of putting up the decorations because i dont know if i will be on bedrest because i have been hurting alot so before my next appointment i we wanted to get up the decorations so i could be a part of it
  15. I told him that but of course, men don't listen.
  16. DK says randomization will just cause problems with the missions. His arguement is when the delorean is getting shot by the lybians during the mission it is going to cause problems because the car may get damaged to the point it will scramble the time circuits. But I don't believe him. Randomization is awesome. i'm a random person.
  17. Gir

    Me and DK

    @Gir: I already wished both of you congratulations over MSN to DK, so if he didn't bring that over to you, give him an other smack from me . ok i did and he aint happy lol oh and thank you everyone again
  18. Gir

    Me and DK

    thank you everyone
  19. Gir

    Me and DK

    thank you guys and here is our little ones baby b is on the left side and baby a is on the right side with baby b that black blog is babys a' amniotic fluid
  20. Gir

    Me and DK

    Thank you everyone