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Everything posted by Carlos85G

  1. Hover RC mode was really glitchy, unstable and non-canon, so it was removed before 0.2E was released.
  2. Nobody was aware, except for the elite class. Anyway, it hasn't even got the attention I expected it to have, so I'll wait for Mike to show up to make a proper topic about it.
  3. Ehm, Dave, as Mr. Fusion said, I finished mine more than 3 months ago.
  4. Did you read the whole topic, MK3424?. That was already mentioned and refuted.
  5. It will be like that. That feature is already written for the Rogers and removed from the JVT. It was just a temporary function so the fans could re-enact the scene without having to wait for the proper model.
  6. Mr. Fusion already said it. Either K or I will deal with this particular model in the Future... Or in the Past
  7. What's the poly count so far?
  8. LOL DMC CAEK!!11!! CAN I HAS IT? OM NOM NOM NOM!! Mmm, stainless
  9. Ooh, the Luxor Cab... Nice!
  10. Oh, please!. Anything with "The <insert_noun_here> Chronicles" is ripping off the title. After all, it is already a cliché.
  11. How do you expect to get back?!, one pellet: one trip; you must be out of your mind! Exactly, avoid travelling to times you know there won't be supplies when you spend your last one-way ticket. Think fourth-dimensionally.
  12. I think JPZ is referring to C. P. R. R. # 131 (Rogers) and not the JVT. I suppose the Rogers will be moving like a NPC train, except for the mission. Hill Valley's not the start of the line, but just a point between the start and San Francisco (end of the line); so, the train won't stop in Hill Valley for maintenance or storage, but continue to make its route until the player hijacks borrows it.
  13. Vertex welding really helps, but you still have to edit the normal for that vertice after it's welded to give it its former surface properties (normal's lenght and direction tells the engine how light shines on it, from where and how much). Google a nice MAX tutorial or use Zmod2 (SA).
  14. Particularly, on that example, the mapping on the windshield and back glass got messed up. You have to make sure materials are properly asigned to each TGA before exporting. Happens with ZMod too. You might also want to check the alpha channels on your TXD file. And, when you reimport to 3DS (ZMod sometimes, depends on the model), normals get really out of place. You might notice this on the San Andreas conversion (and early -before BTTF:HV- VC versions) of our DeLorean if you look at the door panels: You'll notice the polys (triangles) are not responding according to the light. About that, there's really nothing you can do, apart from fixing the normals manually after importing.
  15. As for the plutonium: Pretty much the same applies for the Mr. Fusion. Maybe something unlockable, but the HUD is already full and anything extra makes it glitchy.
  16. That's for SA's CLEO mod -which is open-source-, not VC's SCM code.
  17. Nuke's right, iMaster. http://www.outatime.it/ritornoalfuturo/fra...mp;s=14&q=0 The mansion burned down, then Doc sold the remains and his estate to developers. And yes, Doc isn't rich enough to rebuild a mansion. I don't think he would even want to if he was; he would mantain a low profile after the libyans and the time machines.
  18. It's a nice story, so far. But there are a few things that bother me. Of course, this is only my point of view: 1.- The spelling: Readers stumble on every misspelled word, dragging them away from the narrative -and, importantly, the plot- and taking away the mood you want to establish. 2.- The characters: We know who they are because we know the backgrounds, but new readers won't; I think you have to give a much profound description of each character, not only by looks, but by feelings, making people care for the ones in distress. Maybe it's me, but the characters sound like they're from the animated series and/or are out of character: they lack seriousness and emotions and they don't talk or act as they should (Marty calling Doc "Emmett" as his first line in the story, Doc leaving the Train on the front street in public view [!], both Marty and Doc talking about Future and Past events with the McFlys...). 3.- The narrative: I can't figure out if the narrator is written in first or third person (he talks about Clara's thoughts, but then talks about the Train Time Machine when the McFlys don't know what it is). I don't think the readers get the impression the story's trying to achieve. I suppose the narrator is Marty and hence the -cliché- name "The Marty McFly Chronicles", so he needs to be more into character. 4.- Plot resemblance to "The Ride": I think the story needs a better explanation on how 1955 Biff got to 1985 (you even wrote the same expression used in the Ride: "stowed away") and how he learned to drive the Train while he was hidden (maybe that last part will be explained in the next chapters) Anyway, those are my points, don't take them as an "It sucks" reply, because it doesn't. I hope everything makes sense. Keep on writing!
  19. What'choo talkin' 'bout, Flux Capacitor?! Too bad, seems like a lot of famous people are dying these days...
  20. I think this has been answered a lot of times, but anyway... 0.3A will, hypothetically, include ALL of 1955 (and maybe some 1985) Hill Valley, including on-screen and off-screen locations, every vehicle needed for the time and all the elements involving the BTTF(I) storyline, maybe even some characters. All that, but NO missions or coded features involving said storyline. Those will be included in 0.4. Same with 0.5 and 0.6. Hill Valley is supposed to be bigger than VC.
  21. We sometimes see more of what we want because we know it's there. For example, we notice that BTTF is referenced quite often because we like it and look for it in the things we frequent; and, the opposite, we don't notice the things when we don't know they exist. Example: When there's a tune and you haven't listened to it, you dismiss it and continue your way; it is not until you LISTEN the tune that you notice it and then you'll notice it in things you've heard and seen in the Past but you never paid any attention and, of course, you'll notice it in the Future. There's even a legend that the aztecs couldn't see Spanish ships approaching because they didn't know what ships were until they saw men on them. Maybe this is redundant or even incoherent, but it's something I wanted to say when I saw this topic.
  22. Kocher, GTAForums is your friend for all this. Closed.
  23. You need to be more specific. Models, specs, textures, colors, coding...? Needs more input... Also, GTAForums is your place for all that.