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Everything posted by les

  1. So which Jeniffer Parker will you be using during the transistion of bttf1 and bttf2? Claudia Wells or Elisabeth Shue?
  2. Its ok, im sure ill figure it out at some point.
  3. Yea, thanks for the ton of help blue I'll keep trying.
  4. I wont be using random peds just the special one in the car. I think i know the code, i think its random game refresh but i dont know where to put it. I tryed it in the start script, but it didnt work. I just need to figure out where exactly to put it.
  5. Arent we getting a little off topic here? And does anyone know how to solve the problem of the dissapearing actor?
  6. I decided to post some of the edits I made for the game. Hers how to get a person to follow you: find: create_thread @bttf3 and add under: create_thread @FOLLOW then find: Mission 0 and add this over it: :FOLLOW wait 0 thread 'FOLLOW' $295 = -1 // integer values 0@ = -1 // integer values 1@ = -1 // integer values 7@ = 0 // integer values 8@ = 0 // integer values 9@ = 0 // integer values 3@ = 0 // integer values 4@ = 0 // integer values 5@ = 0 // integer values $296 = 0.0 // floating-point values :FOLLOW_87 wait $DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME 058C: $296 = percentage_completed :FOLLOW_97 if wait 100 008A: $297 = 1@ // integer values and handles 0085: 2@ = 5@ // integer values and handles 0085: 6@ = 9@ // integer values and handles 10@ = -404.3082 // floating-point values 11@ = -561.7204 // floating-point values 12@ = 17.9388 // floating-point values 13@ = 7.0257 // floating-point values 14@ = -404.3812 // floating-point values 15@ = -561.1186 // floating-point values gosub @FOLLOW_234 008B: 1@ = $297 // integer values and handles 0085: 5@ = 2@ // integer values and handles 0085: 9@ = 6@ // integer values and handles jump @FOLLOW_97 jump @FOLLOW_87 :FOLLOW_234 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @FOLLOW_770 if Player.InZone($PLAYER_CHAR, 'GANG1') else_jump @FOLLOW_493 if Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) > 0 else_jump @FOLLOW_486 if 2@ == 0 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_486 023C: load_special_actor 1 'PLAYER8' if 023D: special_actor 1 loaded else_jump @FOLLOW_486 if 80C2: not sphere_onscreen 10@ 11@ 12@ 1.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_486 $297 = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL01, 10@, 11@, 12@) Actor.Angle($297) = 13@ 0243: set_actor $297 ped_stats_to 19 01ED: reset_actor $297 flags 0568: set_actor $297 untargetable 1 0372: set_actor $297 anim 24 wait_state_time 60000000 ms 01C5: remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list $297 0319: set_actor $297 wander_state_to 1 Actor.Health($297) = 250 054A: set_actor $297 immune_to_vehicle_headshots 0 0446: set_actor $297 head_decapitatation_possible 1 03BC: 6@ = create_sphere 14@ 15@ 12@ 0.75 2@ = 1 // integer values Model.Destroy(#PLAYER8) :FOLLOW_486 jump @FOLLOW_528 :FOLLOW_493 if 2 > 2@ // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_528 Actor.RemoveReferences($297) 2@ = 0 // integer values 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ :FOLLOW_528 if 2@ == 1 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_643 if not Actor.Dead($297) else_jump @FOLLOW_636 if 00F5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 14@ 15@ 12@ radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_629 01DF: tie_actor $297 to_player $PLAYER_CHAR 053D: (unknown) $297 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ 2@ = 2 // integer values :FOLLOW_629 jump @FOLLOW_643 :FOLLOW_636 gosub @FOLLOW_793 :FOLLOW_643 if 2@ == 2 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_763 if not Actor.Dead($297) else_jump @FOLLOW_756 if 00E9: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $297 radius 100.0 100.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_742 if 8320: not actor $297 in_range_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR else_jump @FOLLOW_735 01DF: tie_actor $297 to_player $PLAYER_CHAR :FOLLOW_735 jump @FOLLOW_749 :FOLLOW_742 gosub @FOLLOW_793 :FOLLOW_749 jump @FOLLOW_763 :FOLLOW_756 gosub @FOLLOW_793 :FOLLOW_763 jump @FOLLOW_777 :FOLLOW_770 gosub @FOLLOW_793 :FOLLOW_777 jump @FOLLOW_791 gosub @FOLLOW_793 :FOLLOW_791 return :FOLLOW_793 if not 2@ == 0 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_882 Actor.RemoveReferences($297) if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @FOLLOW_870 if not Player.InZone($PLAYER_CHAR, 'GANG1') else_jump @FOLLOW_863 2@ = 0 // integer values :FOLLOW_863 jump @FOLLOW_877 :FOLLOW_870 2@ = 0 // integer values :FOLLOW_877 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ :FOLLOW_882 return There still is the gitch of where when you switch to flying mode or change the delorean the actor dissapears. If anyone could help me please help. I thought that I should make the game more accurate so I changed the starting date of the game to 1985 and the date that you can play the ride to 1991 (the year it was built). Heres how. First find: $CYEAR = 2008 // integer values Change to: $CYEAR = 1985 // integer values Next for the ride find: $CYEAR >= 2005 // integer values Change it to: $CYEAR >= 1991 // integer values Later ill put up some new ones.
  7. No im commentin MAH page. lol

  8. A George Mcfly skin I made. George McFly Skin
  9. Ask him. It was on his old download site.
  10. Hey, people! Back on topic. I thought that edfake had a mod for peds in hill valley, didnt he. Its on his website, but there is no download.
  11. Does anyone know the codes for peds in hill valley? Im trying to make a video of bttf but hill valley looks too deserted.
  12. Why does it have to be tommy? Cant you just replace the IGplayer with a marty version?
  13. My ride mission crashes too. Ive redone it several times but it still crashes. And if you want some txds for the ride, ill send you mine. But mine are for the airport.
  14. les

    8 passenger delorean

    When its finished cold you maybe send me a copy?
  15. or, maybe you could make it wider.
  16. You need to make an 8 passenger delorean for the ride. Then you could put biff in the bttf2 delorean. Ive tried but i couldnt figure it out. Im too new at modeling.
  17. les

    8 passenger delorean

    Yea, i just thought it would be cool. Ive tried but i cant figure out how to widen the delorean.
  18. I was thinking that maybe we could add a 8 passenger delorean in the game. Then you could put biff in the regular bttf 2 delorean. It would be more accurate. I would do it myself but i cant figure out how to widen the dlorean. If someone coluld make the model i would do the textures. Because thats what i do .
  19. Go into the mansion and go right. There will be guy there. walk into the pink thing andhe will follow you.
  20. I need a converter that can convert gta 3 models to vice city. (what im really trying to do is get a asymetrical player model but i can only find 1 for gta 3)
  21. I figured out how to get someone to follow you Here are the codes: create_thread @FOLLOW :FOLLOW wait 0 thread 'FOLLOW' $295 = -1 // integer values 0@ = -1 // integer values 1@ = -1 // integer values 7@ = 0 // integer values 8@ = 0 // integer values 9@ = 0 // integer values 3@ = 0 // integer values 4@ = 0 // integer values 5@ = 0 // integer values $296 = 0.0 // floating-point values :FOLLOW_87 wait $DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME 058C: $296 = percentage_completed :FOLLOW_97 if wait 100 008A: $297 = 1@ // integer values and handles 0085: 2@ = 5@ // integer values and handles 0085: 6@ = 9@ // integer values and handles 10@ = -404.3082 // floating-point values 11@ = -561.7204 // floating-point values 12@ = 17.9388 // floating-point values 13@ = 7.0257 // floating-point values 14@ = -404.3812 // floating-point values 15@ = -561.1186 // floating-point values gosub @FOLLOW_234 008B: 1@ = $297 // integer values and handles 0085: 5@ = 2@ // integer values and handles 0085: 9@ = 6@ // integer values and handles jump @FOLLOW_97 jump @FOLLOW_87 :FOLLOW_234 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @FOLLOW_772 if Player.InZone($PLAYER_CHAR, 'GANG1') else_jump @FOLLOW_495 if Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) > 6000 else_jump @FOLLOW_488 if 2@ == 0 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_488 Model.Load(#PGB) if Model.Available(#PGB) else_jump @FOLLOW_488 if 80C2: not sphere_onscreen 10@ 11@ 12@ 1.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_488 $297 = Actor.Create(CivMale, #PGB, 10@, 11@, 12@) Actor.Angle($297) = 13@ 0243: set_actor $297 ped_stats_to 4 01ED: reset_actor $297 flags 0568: set_actor $297 untargetable 1 0372: set_actor $297 anim 24 wait_state_time 60000000 ms 01C5: remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list $297 0319: set_actor $297 wander_state_to 1 Actor.Health($297) = 250 054A: set_actor $297 immune_to_vehicle_headshots 0 0446: set_actor $297 head_decapitatation_possible 1 03BC: 6@ = create_sphere 14@ 15@ 12@ 0.75 2@ = 1 // integer values Model.Destroy(#PGB) :FOLLOW_488 jump @FOLLOW_530 :FOLLOW_495 if 2 > 2@ // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_530 Actor.RemoveReferences($297) 2@ = 0 // integer values 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ :FOLLOW_530 if 2@ == 1 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_645 if not Actor.Dead($297) else_jump @FOLLOW_638 if 00F5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 14@ 15@ 12@ radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_631 01DF: tie_actor $297 to_player $PLAYER_CHAR 053D: (unknown) $297 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ 2@ = 2 // integer values :FOLLOW_631 jump @FOLLOW_645 :FOLLOW_638 gosub @FOLLOW_795 :FOLLOW_645 if 2@ == 2 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_765 if not Actor.Dead($297) else_jump @FOLLOW_758 if 00E9: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $297 radius 100.0 100.0 else_jump @FOLLOW_744 if 8320: not actor $297 in_range_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR else_jump @FOLLOW_737 01DF: tie_actor $297 to_player $PLAYER_CHAR :FOLLOW_737 jump @FOLLOW_751 :FOLLOW_744 gosub @FOLLOW_795 :FOLLOW_751 jump @FOLLOW_765 :FOLLOW_758 gosub @FOLLOW_795 :FOLLOW_765 jump @FOLLOW_779 :FOLLOW_772 gosub @FOLLOW_795 :FOLLOW_779 jump @FOLLOW_793 gosub @FOLLOW_795 :FOLLOW_793 return :FOLLOW_795 if not 2@ == 0 // integer values else_jump @FOLLOW_884 Actor.RemoveReferences($297) if Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) else_jump @FOLLOW_872 if not Player.InZone($PLAYER_CHAR, 'GANG1') else_jump @FOLLOW_865 2@ = 0 // integer values :FOLLOW_865 jump @FOLLOW_879 :FOLLOW_872 2@ = 0 // integer values :FOLLOW_879 03BD: destroy_sphere 6@ :FOLLOW_884 return Im still working out the kinks. Like i cant figure out how to change the model without the game crashing. Also, they dissapear when you change from driving to flying mode, and when time traveling he will dissapear but all the next times it will be fine. So if i could get some help that would be cool!