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Everything posted by Mr.Kocher

  1. @Ziero, You at one point were the exact opposite of 6, but now you're directly six.
  2. eh, I'm not in the mood.
  3. That's actually strange, how did you know I felt bad?
  4. Same here, I don't care if your 7, 17, or even 10031241. Just don't use your age as an excuse for crappy work like a member on here called skypokemon. He pretty much said he was good at making Grand Theft Auto Skins for his age when really his skins sucked and were made out of microsoft paint. My point is your age will not matter on how good your movie is. I look forward to seeing what sounds like a good movie.
  5. @Ziero, It's ok, I wasn't really offended, it actually made me laugh a bit. @Jen, I admit I like attention every now and then, so yeah I guess I am 7.
  6. I wasn't kissing up to him, I was actually complimenting you RG. Think of it this way. I said congrats rg, your first fail. Only because you're usually right about stuff. And I've known you for at least a year. So 1 fail a year means you're usually right. Sorry I didn't make my point clear enough.
  7. Thanks for clearing it up mike. I guess we should appreciate him, since 12 year old fans are hard to come by these days. @BTTFGuyman, when did you decide to make this movie, and when did you first get in to bttf?
  8. Congrats rg, you have your first fail.
  9. agreed. I appreciate you letting us in on what's going on, Carlos.
  10. I really think you and trance should join up and make an add on.
  11. This made me, ESPECIALLY, laugh. Funny topic. This reminds me of the "Forum Member Definitions" I made a while back.
  12. McDonalds is an ok place but Burger King is a bit better.
  13. omg, I hate it when a wonderful topics are wasted on comments, no offense to you guys, I want an update really super bad.
  14. Something bothering you DK? You've been very rude lately.
  15. Hey Trance if you'd like, I'll code your modes to load at the right time era, it'd be fun to do.
  16. even with out a shading, it looks damn good.
  17. sounds like someones kissing ass.... btw I also think your one of the haters who are jealous of people who actually can do stuff. I'd like to see you do something as good as trance. My advice to you is: before you talk Big, do something big.