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Dragon King

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Dragon King last won the day on August 15 2019

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About Dragon King

  • Birthday 06/29/1990

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    Glens Falls, NY

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  1. Mr. Fusion...... 'nough said
  2. We are very forgiving (sometimes too forgiving) but as long as you stay out of trouble, WELCOME BACK. * I do not speak for the rest of the team *
  3. Well, good news is, an offline version emerged... just cant save or load games locally yet (its a mod).
  4. I'm looking for friends from the forum to come join my region in SimCity or a region I can join. I'm looking to really get the best out of SimCity. Who's up for it?
  5. Thyncho, its my job to ask such questions looks good.
  6. ok, so is ALL i see yours? Like, some of the signs seem like Liams etc...
  7. Sorry I said I couldn't resist. Anyway, The models look ok but I see elements of our downtown models in there. Am I wrong on this assumption?
  8. I can't resist: http://youtu.be/vyFSdj1J5Vw
  9. I can think of only ONE possibility.............................. THEY ARE MOVIES!!! If I wanted to remake BTTF where marty actually doesn't make it back to 1985 because a giant panda riding atop a Flying Unicorn that farts out rainbows and pukes up delectable gumdrops decided to land on top of marty and kill him.... that's what's gonna happen
  10. Great person And Texturerrrrr....

  11. Even I tip my hat to you Mr. K
  12. You can put in the video where the delorean and parts came from by giving proper credit. But just be sure to add that the BTTF Mod Team is not affiliated with this work of yours and all is ok
  13. It's nice, but I'm not a fan of the fact you attached our logo on it. Since we have nothing to do with it and people may think we do.
  14. A bit of a bump. So I played through the whole thing, as did a lot of you. However, was anyone else kind of.. put off by the constant jokes and references to the Trilogy? To me, it made the game more of a... parody... rather than an ACTUAL non-canon sequel.