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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    1. Install updates Here are the revived updates but only the early ones that were uploaded by Abdullah Basit24 Files: https://mega.nz/#F!qBw1yDyJ!2SGPsKDX04IPAiKu2LPngg (Note:You need to install this first and don't install teleport script timecircuits!) 2. Install scripts and files Files: https://goo.gl/H7VuLX New Features: 0.1: Added Blue DeLorean (by Olivercomet) 0.2: Blue telltale wormhole and garage.cs file but not spawnable by garage if you select BTTF4 the game will crash 0.21: Added TellTale DeLorean by SnakeGTAMods 0.3: Rewritten code, so you might need reinstall the cleo scripts again. Borrowed the code from BTTFKR vent.s but it does not play the audio Controls: Spawn BTTF 4 with RShift and N The mod is in really early beta so no garage spawn nor TP scripts.
  2. 1 point
    News update! Shoutbox And that is live now. It essentially is the same shoutbox we had in the old forum, just ported to the current version of the software it runs under. It is still to be decided whether the chat will remain, but to my mind there is no need for it. Video Gallery To get to know the feature Mike mentioned I played around with it and discovered it can easily replace the old video gallery with a little bit of effort - et voilá: We have a new video gallery! It now is more tightly integrated into the forum. For instance you can comment on the videos, or subscribe to the gallery for updates. It's not entirely finished yet - as everything around this place at the moment - but it works very well so far. If anything in it doesn't work as intended please let me know. And that's the updates for now, stay tuned! See you in the future! The BTTF HV Team