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BTTF1 re-entry

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The Renault Alpine managed to get some decent performance from the prv.

The Alpine probably weighs about half of the amount of the Deloreon. the 80's models had lots of plastic components (And not stainless steel) and Alpine also tuned the engine, overboreing it and gave it 3 carburetors.

In 85 they also introduced a turbo version.

Edited by Dave27

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That prv engine was a piece of crap anyway

And dk, if what you say is true, it would cause huge problems because the flux capacitor is the most sensitive equipment on the car. And then in bttf3, the car would have even bigger problems for being 100 years outatime (excuse the pun)

the delorean might have had engine troubles but you never find out as soon as Marty gets there he rips the fuel line and the engine dies

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what you said about the Flux Capacitor. I'm sure the technology used wasn't THAT advanced. Just some wiring and other parts that may have been available in the 50's. The time circuits for instance, it's HUGE!!! so it's possible it's using some kind of older circuitry. But the car wasn't made form 50's tech.

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Well, going back to your first argument, since we're getting lost 4th dimensionally, the flux capacitor argument was made in reference to bttf1. The bttf3 comment is to be taken separately, but for the time being, lets focus on your statement that:

When the time machine went from 1985 to 1955, it experienced a ripple effect that caused the engine to die.

I countered that if that was the case, the flux capacitor would experience the same effect, and would be more sensitive to it because it needs to be precise to hit a specific date.

Lets add some 4th dimensional thinking to that. Tech is not that advanced, how advanced tech is does not correspond to time. It is the individual molecules in the flux capacitor and other equipment that correspond to time. No matter if it had artifacts from the stone age, or current electronics, all those molecules and electrons have the same age, so if your argument was to hold true, when it went back to 1955, every single component would experience the same fatigue.

Of course, now that I say that, I realize that it does not hold true for Marty, who was born later and was being erased later, so maybe thats not the case. But then if we're using that statement, the Delorean would have experienced problems later because it was made way after Marty was born.

Ehh, I'll think about it later. Dinner's ready.

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enjoy your dinner. Marty started being erased after he interfered with his parents meeting and falling in love. but the delorean didn't die right away. It died outside of Lyon Estates. I can assume the delorean didn't erase cause the material it was made out of did exist. But the way it was built didn't exist causing a separate type of ripple effect. Not by the material, but the way the materials were put together. The material existed, but the entity the material was formed into didn't. Example being the difference between a stainless steel sink, and a stainless steel car.

If I worded that right......

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Doubt it. It died after Marty came back from 1955 anyway. Sooner than it did in 1955. Not to mention, it was fine after being retrieved, only to die again at the start line. DK's theoretical effect (its def not ripple, thats completely different) holds no chronological sense if the effects were indeed rippling. I still maintain it was a problem with the engine and not time travel effecting it. There is no logical sense in when the delorean dies if it had your effect applied, unlike how it was logical that Marty was the last to be erased because he was the last to be born. It then gets even more confusing using your effect if you consider the 2015 modifications, none of which ever failed.

In fact, the only thing that ever failed and not due to external causes was the engine and time circuits, the time circuits of which Doc seemed to know the problem and would have fixed it when he got back (which he didn't). I don't know, but that does not sound like a DK effect to me, and sounds more like engine trouble, backed up even more by the fact that the engine wasn't that great, and cutting out of the 4th wall, the production team had problems with it too that they had to swap it out.

I mean, really, DK effect due to material being different? Please do enlighten me to a part of the movie that says explicitly or implicitly that this happens. If you do, use it to explain the engine dying in all 3 situations, and explain why they happened at that time. I'd like to be proven wrong.

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Now that you put it that way it sounds pretty stupid :P But I'll think of something..... Which reminds me, didn't the delorean re-appear already dead during the experiment? I mean, we didn't hear the engine on it's reentry, or when it stopped.

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Well, what if the the del using Plutonium for time travel had an effect? radiation from the plutonium being released for time travel damaging the car internally.... that could explain it since the del doesn't stall with Mr Fusion.The only difference was Mr. Fusion and the Plutonium Chamber (minus the flying)

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radiation is not just a simple on off switch. The effects of radiation would last quite a while and would effect the delorean. But thats besides the point.

The main point is that radiation is more of a biological hazard, rather than material. What the radiation from plutonium does is mutate the cells in the body by exposing them to high gamma rays, which necessitates both marty and doc needing the nuclear suits when handling the plutonium. Sure, a high amount of radiation would be hazardous, but only a real large amount. 1 pellet is not a lot in nuclear terms. Plus, that amount isn't that significant compared to what nuclear power plants are churning out, but again, the main point is that radiation is hazardous to biological beings and not metals, fuels, or electricity (I mean, we use it to make electricity).

Also, that plutonium reactor is well sealed, otherwise Doc wouldn't trust the both of them taking off their suits after filling it up. And we don't see a mutated Doc at the end of bttf3.

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Would have been funny if Doc did mutate. Radiation form nuclear explosions have been known to cause electrical interference. I would think a Nuclear Power Plant has some kind of control for that. Or the delorean just needed a cleaner spark plug.

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yeah, but thats for large scale nuclear power. We're only talking about 1 pellet here. And Doc's nuclear system is the very definitiion of a miniature nuclear plant with enough lead to prevent the radiation from leaking and infecting the occupants inside. Even then, it doesn't explain why the delorean died on Nov 12 1955 way after it spent its plutonium. I doubt the spark plug needs cleaning. It only had 33k miles on the odometer.


Also to note, Doc's system leaves no nuclear waste, therefore that radiation is like nil.

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How much?

In the Alpine A610 - 276 bhp (tuned and with a turbo obviously, but, if DMC had done the same thing...)

And as for whoever mentioned the weight, there is less than a 200 lb difference between the two:

Alpine A610 - 2526 lbs

DeLorean - 2712 lbs

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Back to the stalling thing maybe everytime it happens someone punched John Delorean (relative to the time they were in) in the face thus losing his marbles and getting more of the car made by different designers so they fitted a dodgy starter on a friday afternoon just before teatime.

And yes delorean actually do a turbo and sports package for the car that may not of been out at the time of the first film. And obviously is was exaggerating when comparing car weights but the deloreon is still heaver with a standard engine and the alpine was lighter with a tuned engine.

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And completely nothing to do with the amount on ponies under the bonnet? :rolleyes:

I think this topic has served it's purpose.

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