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is it plossible to make a car a motor cycle

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Shoutbox and Google is your friend, even when you give a "what th- *boom*" causing question.

On-Topic: Have no idea :P

Edited by -RG-

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It is impossible.

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What do you mean exactly? Replace one of the cars with a motorcycle model that works like a car? Or really replace one of the cars with a motorcycle model that works like a motorcycle?

For the second question, this is possible, as long as the motorcycle you're going to replace works like a car not a motorcycle (that means same driving animations, same handling, same way of steering it, no falling from the motorcycle, the motorcycle exploding if it is upside down, etc.). In fact there's even that wheelchair mod that replaces a car.

For the third, it is entirely impossible.

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The wheelchair does not have to have a 45 degree incline to the ground, does it?

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As long as you have the wheels made and placed correctly and the model itself made correctly, it won't bug as hell. This was the case for some very unique car customs like that Philippine Tricycle mod, which is a replacement for the quadbike where the driver would end up in the motorycle while the passenger, who would ride in the back in the original quadbike, would ride in the seat/cab thing next to the motorcycle (on the right of the motorcycle).


And what's funny about it is that you can still hear the car engine. Motorized wheelchair. :lol:

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That would bug like hell. Yeah, you can exclude a wheel or two from a car custom, like the Tricycle mod above (which only has 3 wheels), but a car custom having only 2 wheels would be hard to drive and would often fall to its side because there is no support that allows it to stand like a real SA bike. And because of how cars are coded, if it did fall to its side it would likely burn and explode like a real SA car would.

If you're thinking that the motorcycle should not tilt and would turn and drive like an SA car, thus the reason why you want it as a car replacement, how about making 2 invisible wheels on both sides of the rear wheel for support (if it is possible)? That way it won't fall to the ground or spiral out of control while driving it.

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I know :P it's just that I remember someone asking the same thing, where a dude comes in and suggests the same thing. He DID try it out and I LOLed so much at what happened when he did. I'm just making sure elyo won't do the same.

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