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Mini-Me last won the day on August 21 2019

Mini-Me had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

24 Excellent


About Mini-Me

  • Rank
    Verne Brown
  • Birthday 04/11/1992

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  • Interests
    Back to the Future, Sci-Fi, Technology

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About Me

Hey there.

My name is Mini-Me and I bumped into this mod when I learned about it on TV. Over here in Germany where I live there used to be a TV station for computer savvies. At prime time they aired a games show and in this very show they presented a couple of mods for GTA Vice City. When they showed this mod I found it that awesome that I checked it out as quickly as possible. Honestly, I didn't even know Back to the Future at that time, but a top priority task for me then was to get a copy of the movies for me to watch. Since then the awesome trilogy became my favorite movies! From that day on I took part in this community and eventually joined the mod team.

See you in the future...