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Everything posted by bluespace88

  1. oh i understand why you're furious. You swearing is disrespectful however to me. i believe if it was someone in your family, you wouldn't be so keen on using that swear word in front of their name.
  2. Part of it is also my disdain for certain members of this community who are not mature enough. Then again it is GTA. And then again that might be also why I'm losing interest in GTA.
  3. Sorry for the cat But you could be a bit more mature about it and attach a negative word to your cat. Its like attaching it to a person, and demeans their value. Disrespect.
  4. mini-me again is the residential expert on micro xp as well, so he knows a thing or 2 about it.
  5. umm...its prettier...and probably has more useless features you don't need...
  6. if you want really lite, thats the way. I think only around 200mb of hard disk required. Windows 7 lite requires 1.5gb still.
  7. then use micro xp. There is no reason to go to 7 when GTA4 does not require dx10, nor will you be playing around in the interface as much.
  8. Mac eats lots of gigabytes of hard drive as well. Its about 1 gb behind my windows installation.
  9. I don't know. I haven't seen the movie in a while and I'm basing off the nicely detailed excel sheet that ODOC made.
  10. what I meant by month is last, rest is first is everything updates all at once except month, then the month appears. Its not a wiping update. @minime of course it wouldn't work right now. Theres no destination input. Yes, its sent from the php side, but you can induce a delay in image loading on the java script side, otherwise we wouldn't be having those flashing colons now. Here's mike's list of what it would be like And concerning the inconsistencies in bttf1 and 2 with everything showing up at once Outatime.it btw captures frames on 250 ms intervals which is slower then the refresh rate of the time circuit disiplay.
  11. I don't think anyone's tried that, so you could be the first person to do so. Otherwise, stick with XP. I don't think it would work on 2000.
  12. maybe no one knows how to answer your damn question so they haven't responded.
  13. I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for "Ok, let me see if I can try it." If he said that like after a few days, then I understand, but this was rather immediate, telling me he hasn't played with it yet. So I said it was a lame excuse when he clearly hasn't given the time to play around with it. He might think that it might be hard, but theres always more than one way to tackle a problem. Like he reasons that the native function that draws the texture on the screen, can only be used in a particular event of the class and that would make use of a timer hard, and thats just not right. He can use the timer to trigger events of the class. And also his comment about that GTAIV is structured differently....well, newsflash, so is the TI Basic Language, C++ with DX Hook, C++ with SDL, Apple I, and GTA code that I have made time circuits for. And I can easily configure the javascript and php one on this site to do the same, as well as do it in Java if the rest of the circuits was already developed and only needed the month delay in showing up. And sorry, school is making me cranky. So I'm going to be a bit irritable.
  14. Lol, I know. But really, it doesn't interest me as much as it did before.
  15. Its not that hard. I easily did it in both gtacode and C++ within 10 minutes.
  16. yep, and not being like RG and saying "This place is dead" @Mike - Only if I'm bored do I find myself back here working on the mod. Or if you change the engine to something a bit more modern.
  17. no, my excuse is not being lazy. I'm just preoccupied by other activities (school, social outings, work, etc)
  18. also month is last to update, the rest come first EDIT: wrong order.
  19. I don't know much of whats going on either, so don't worry about it. GTA's kinda dying for me. Tried to get back in a few times, but never for very long.
  20. I on the other hand don't think everyone on the forum can be mature about this.