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  1. Please admin to transfer this topic Edit: Where can find instruction to rename topic?
  2. Great idea! Turorial screenshots is done.
  3. I think tutorial can be in another topic.
  4. Add-on published! Link removed - you cannot release our models without permission! If you try to release this anywhere else, we will report you. This includes adding the link to your youtube videos, please remove it immediately.
  5. Its cool, but carlos85g refused to publish models. Without models the source code makes no sense.
  6. Permission of viewing on the forum spawn.cm (screenshot) file, but I'm not professional coder. Only I'm edit the cars number. When you open bluespace file, you can see a car number in the line 10@= Example: Bullet have 541 number, 10@= 541 I want sunrise can time travel. So I'm edit 10@= 541 to 550 (sunrise number) Now change the key press. Find want key in virtual keys list and change it in key_pressed line. Example: When you click 2, BTTF 2 spawn (key_pressed 50) Change key to 7 - key_pressed 55 And compile file. Thats all!
  7. It first time, yes but I think, the addons are allowed.Then there was the addition of a small and large changes did not have. Now that you are the models I thought it better not to publish prior permission of the mod team.
  8. American.gxt edited. Thanks for cars information! EDIT:When i convert wheels from vc, its too big in sa!
  9. The first: How to convert Tools used: Kam's Max Scripts Anos script 3DS max 8 txd workshop img tool ggmm Notepad Model converting First you must find the car name in ggmm.(Railroad replaced baggage)Open your imgtool 2.0,open bttf hv gta3.img(models folder in gta directory) click edit and click find Right click and extract This same operation with .txd Now choose the directory of the extracted model Open your 3ds max Now click dff io Now click import dff and find the extracted model. Now 3ds max load model. Press H and find wheel_lf, wheel_rb, wheel_lb Select it Click delete. The wheels are gone! Now open again menu (press h) and click all Now maximize the scirpt x anos menu. Click applica alla selezione Find esporta, select all and click applica alla selezione ] Now in dff export menu find set col For the deloreans I recommended col of manana.dff (You can extract this in imgtool {you must open sa gta3.img in models folder}) And find manana.dff! Now click export dff and rename the model name to car what you want to replace.(I replace railroad with yosemite) You succesfully convert model. Txd converting Open your txd workshop and click open txd. Find the baggage model. Click image and click decompress all images. Now change the txd to san andreas.(bottom right corner) Again image and click compress all images. When txd compress all images, it's done. But when you have this error: You must have an convert txd of bttf3 delorean (I dont post link, in gtainside.com you have converted bttf3 by another user) Now you open again txd workshop and open the downloaded delorean. Now open the new txd workshop and open the baggage.txd You must extract gauge, gauge2 and bttf3_rrwheel Click export and extract the images. Now you can close baggage.txd, Click new image, 32bit, and so three times Now import to new images, gauge , gauge2 and bttf3rr_wheel Click properties and change the txd name with gauge image to gauge, click compressed, gauge2 image to gauge2, click compressed etc. Now click file, save as... and save it to yosemite.txd(Or any car name {Just to name the same as model}) GGMM install Before install you model, click create backup click manual mod installer , dff model, find the convert model Click the txd model, find the txd convert for sa Click install You have the installed model! Vehicles.ide edit Click edit, find and write yosemite Change the -1 to 0 Now open the sa and find the converted model!(I use vehicle spawner - made by zaz) Step two:How to make it time traveler Tools used: Cleo Sanny Builder Open your GGMM and find the car name of your model And remember the car number. Now open cleo folder and create a new txt file called spawn Now open the spawn file.cs (with sanny builder) Change the line 10@ = 541 to 10@ = (replace the 541 to car number) I'm replace yosemite, so i change the code to 10@ = 554 Replace the pressed key to spawn delorean The line 0AB0: key_pressed 50 0AB0: key_pressed 98[/codebox] Have the key press to spawn a car. Find in google cleo key numbers and change it. I want to change it to 4. The virtual key for 4 is 52. So change the line [codebox]0AB0: key_pressed 50 0AB0: key_pressed 98 To 0AB0: key_pressed 52 0AB0: key_pressed 98[/codebox] The 98 cleo key is numpad 2. So I change It to 4 numpad key. The cleo 4 key is 100 So change the 98 to 100. [codebox]0AB0: key_pressed 52 0AB0: key_pressed 100 Now click f7 and close the sanny builder Now open sa, click 4 and the delorean spawns! This work with any car. EDIT: If you have small wheels you must have find the line Example vehicle.ide: 543, sadler, sadler, car, SADLER, SADLER, null, normal, 10, 0, 0, -1, this line----> 0.7, 0.7,<---- -1 and change it 1.0, 1.0,