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Everything posted by archer9234

  1. I just hate when people post the same bugs/questions over and over and never check older threads, or pinned topics, first. It's logical even for a newbie, since the mod is some weeks old that a lot of people have already asked your question and should check/search older topics first. This thread falls under that problem.
  2. archer9234


    Since I never watched Dr. Who, I can't finish the quiz.
  3. Check it while the system is on. Also if the GPU temp increases, the fan is not working right.
  4. Dust could be on the contacts. This has happened to me, a lot.
  5. It could be going bad, or one of pins are bent.
  6. archer9234


    Well you won't have to worry about that once ace starts modeling the LOD levels.
  7. We where stuck in a temporal loop. Me: cool God: Who is the best robot? Me: me God: You're no robot, . Me: yeah i am God: Really interesting. Me: cool God: Who is the best robot? Me: me God: You're no robot, . Me: yeah i am God: Really interesting. Me: cool God: Who is the best robot?
  8. It's advertising...
  9. A lot of people here aren't patient anymore. This is another reason why Blue left.
  10. Then you're having errors uploading to youtube. Or you are putting in a bad link. You just use the main line, not the embed link.
  11. Why would Blue upload something that isn't finished yet.
  12. Upload to Youtube and use the video tag on its link.
  13. I wish Carlos didn't make the trunk texture split in half.
  14. proton I want you to continue. I have a few ideas dealing with all this food nonsense for a comic.
  15. Because we can tell you what can and cannot go in the game.
  16. archer9234


    It works both ways. It just down to luck if you're in the right spot.
  17. You can make as many time machines your PC wants to work with till it crashes when they reenter. I made 95 once, without crashing.
  18. Read the sites about page on how the map is being made.
  19. Plus, this is not a real game. It's a mod. He's not going to do it.