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Can peds steal time machine?

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Hi all...

Love the mod, been following for a long time now, just never posted before.

I do have a question. Can peds steal the time machine?

And if not, is there a variable or some other way to programmatically allow them to? Or would this be more trouble than it's worth for me to try?

Just curious. Keep up the great work, and I appreciate all your efforts on the great mod!

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I'm not sure if they still can, but I know they used to be able to back in the day (0.2c or 0.2d I believe).


I had the Pt II Del sitting outside Sunshine Autos with the Time Circuits set for MAR 11 1993 08:32 (the date and time I was born). As I'm refilling Mr. Fusion, one of the wife-beater wearing construction workers runs up and yells "I will erase you from existence" as he's stealing the DeLorean. The last thing I heard before the game crashed was the temporal displacement sound effect. I stood there like



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not anymore they cant, causes crashing when they decide to time travel

@hscitpe i had the same experience except before the construction worker there was a black guy that yelled "motha f--ker stole my time machine" i couldnt stop laughing

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