Is it possible to have a simple cleo with the following features for GTA Vice City, please:
1. No 05DF: write_memory 0xA10B2E size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 0
2. N0 Keyboard controls---Only control keypresses
3. No time traveling script code
4. Spawn a delorean
5. The Delorean can switch to hovering model delorean (then back and forth)
6. Hover.
7. No time circuits, nor all that other stuff that appears on the screen when you try to use time travel.
8. No ".fxt" required
9. No ".ini" files required
10. No ASI hook required
Basicly I'm looking for a cleo that just spawns a delorean that doesn't time travel, but can switch to hover mode, please. Nothing else.