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Posts posted by Mini-Me

  1. Yep, it's GTA's built in replay system. Please don't use it, it only causes trouble. I recall a tip for the vanilla game was that you could open and close cabriolets when spamming it. Reason for that is that GTA uses a system for car models where add-ons (extras) can be defined, the roof of a convertible can be such one. We use this system in various parts, for instance for the DeLorean's licence plate or the lighting run hook. Using the replay function could mess around with these.

  2. Torrented versions of the game are frequently tampered with in order to reduce file size or remove copy protections. One example I had seen is the radio stations being replaced by empty files as that saved a couple hundred megabytes. That could explain why they appear to be removed for you. Did you try if the radio works before you install the mod?

    Besides, we do not endorse and support pirated copies of the game. The game is old and doesn't cost much anymore. You can get it cheap on Steam for example.


    For the mp3 player, accessing it via scroll wheeI or R key is not possible. In order to prevent the game from randomly switching radio stations when time traveling or on hover conversion we need to manually set the radio station through the script. Due to engine limitations though we can't use the mp3 player with this. IIRC you can access the mp3 player from the settings menu, I'm not sure it'll persists though.

  3. Since you want an opinion, to me your game looks like it's been messed up pretty much :D . Everything so colorful and different styles that don't fit together.

    You're reaching an engine limit here. Unless you find or make a limit adjuster that raises this limit there's little you can do. Try some of these:

  4. I knew I'd run into some issue when locking the car in place when you're far away from it. It appears that the short timespan between you being removed from the car on timetravel and put up high, the speed being measured, the car being removed and somewhen in between the lock in place happens is enough for an overlap to occur.

    As a workaround the 2 lines with the opcodes 0519 in Train.sc can be commented out.

  5. Moved thread as requested.

    This might sound stupid, bit did you try starting the game without the mod installed? I recall that the first time I played GTA 3 in PC I thought how crap it all looks and decided to play GTA:LC mod instead. Only later I noticed the option I mentioned before also is hiding somewhere in the graphics settings. So if you see the same effects on unmodified GTA 3 I'd say try to solve it there first :) . 

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  6. Split posts from different threads into this topic. You won't get a quicker answer by posting the same question in different threads. Instead people could get annoyed and ignore you altogether.


    First, don't decompile our main.scm. It contains code that patches the game's memory in order to add 2 new opcodes for reading and writing memory addresses. This happens through carefully laid out global variable assignments (if you're interested, it can be found on GTAForums). The decompiler however gets confused by those, especially the unknown opcodes, and writes funny code that might not compile again right IIRC. Instead, use the source we supplied (main.txt).

    Second, you're missing definitions for the aforementioned opcodes. Without them the game won't be able to interpret the code generated by the compiler, as the compiler couldn't do its job correctly. Thus the game crashes on startup. For those, please wait until we publish the fix-release. It'll have them included. If you don't wish to wait and for now only want to test the model replacement, you can remove the code sections for the memory hacking (they're called :Keys). However then our custom keybinds (Hover Conversion, Timetrain door opening, ...) won't work anymore.

    Third, before doing the replacement you might have to make sure the models are actually loaded, I'm not sure right now though since I don't have all of the code in my head. It's very likely the game will crash if you try to "spawn" a model when it's not loaded.

  7. Doc's truck is respawned when it gets destroyed. If you go around 150 distance units from it, the spawn location it's parked on loads an LOD model. The LOD model doesn't have a collision model, thus the truck drops through the floor. Either it reaches the bottom of the level and is destroyed, or it falls into water (that is everywhere in the map below a certain level) and then is destroyed. For the latter the truck isn't despawned but the wreck remains in water. Another truck spawns on top of it and they begin piling up. At some point they push each other around and some land on their roof, thus exploding.

    I coded something to lock the truck in place if you leave a certain range, that should fix this.

  8. Issue found finally! It appears to be linked with these:

    Doc's truck is respawned when it gets destroyed. If you go around 150 distance units from it, the spawn location it's parked on loads an LOD model. The LOD model doesn't have a collision model, thus the truck drops through the floor. Either it reaches the bottom of the level and is destroyed, or it falls into water (that is everywhere in the map below a certain level) and then is destroyed. For the latter the truck isn't despawned but the wreck remains in water. Another truck spawns on top of it and they begin piling up. At some point they push each other around and some land on their roof, thus exploding. That's why BackTo1775 saw the wrecks of the truck. Eventually the game spawns a hell of a lot copies of the truck. There end up being too many cars on the map, so the game spawns no more other cars for traffic.

    This didn't happen with the old script because in it you started the game in 1885, where the truck didn't spawn.

  9. Depending on the wanted level GTA sends different kinds of cops after you. We used that system to change what cop car comes after you in the different eras. Like this for instance the 2015 cop car seen in BTTF 2 only spawns in that era, and not in say 1985.

    Yes, This is a GTA mod, the game was chosen as the base of the mod because it provides good prerequisites. It's a game that focuses on cars and allows free character movement. The modability of the game also is quite well, especially since the mission script can be changed and used to create the effects and functions we need. Though, GTA was not chosen because we want Marty or Doc becoming the next super criminals...

    The custom weapons represent those found in the movies, as the original idea was to replicate the movies with the mod. Playing Doc, you would then need his revolver (not to shoot anyone though).

    About the blood I don't know. It might be that the modified game executable we're using unintendedly might be based off of a version that doesn't have blood, i.e. those for Germany or Australia.

  10. I've checked an older scm from an earlier internal build. Interestingly it does still have traffic. However, doing a text comparison and inspecting every single difference I didn't find what could be causing the issue.

    If you're interested: old_scm.zip
    Note that this is an earlier, unsupported build. It contains even more issues than the released version, so it's not meant for normal playing.