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Everything posted by bluespace88

  1. If I only found this out for KITT's Ski mode.... Well, it would solve the angle problem, but not the driving. Which now means you can time travel straight down and reenter still going down and still pointing down woot.
  2. New feature by the way when I was on the train. Instead of shooting forward when you activate hover conversion (like falling and activate it), you will now go in the direction you were originally going in. Also means falling time travel is possible and you will reenter going the same direction Wish I could say the same for the angles....
  3. well, the reason was because I deviated from the original minimod to create....a mini mini mod, and thats what this one's based off of.
  4. Yeah, Mike didn't tell me we were replacing fonts.txd.... It was aligned using the original SA font. And I guess adding the delorean objects moved the offset of the standard SA objects.
  5. Yeah. Disable spawn when the delorean exists.
  6. And as requested. Last vid for me before I go home Byes now
  7. current status of effects before i head back home for the weekend. Dunno if I have time to work, but here it is anyway. Also, the fade in of the coils isn't exactly consistent because the model stays in the cache after being used. And of course, wormhole isn't done yet, nor is the sounds.
  8. Finished new keypad and new sound. You can now type in destinations faster and without the sound lag in 0.1.1 and 0.1.2. Excuse my slowness in this.
  9. found an opcode that I forgot I used for KITT's turbo boost. Sets global velocity of a car in all three axis's, which means, the hover code would actually work better. I might be able to get the flying machines to work without using heli's then....might. Need to play around with it a bit more. Even if I can't, I can still use the code for the heli so that you can't do a 180 in midair and suddenly go in that direction like in VC. Course, that also means you can slip in the air (drift for you car guys)
  10. well, thats fine then. The only thing I don't know how to do yet is the coils spliting the light meshes.
  11. Stuff to do. More to add possibly later: -Model new coil mesh that will be lit up to overlay the existing coil during time travel -New wheels? (applies to VC as well) -Finish side markers and rear lights conversion to SA format -Time Circuit Display on/off
  12. there were sounds. Maybe it didn't copy for you. Anyway, tweaked the coil glows to only light up the mesh. Looks much better imo. And now I really need to model the lit coil mesh over the old coil rather then resize, because resize is causing some meshing errors.
  13. speaking of which, I'm rewriting that. I'm annoyed at the lag from the sound now. BTW Mike, open up this forum to the public
  14. and found a bug with the keypad. It works on the super gt and hotknife (used to be other deloreans taken out for the time being)
  15. besides, you see more of the train exterior then the interior of a delorean. If its any consolation, we could do one simple thing. Have the delorean have a blank time circuit display and one object showing the current date that displays whenever the timecircuits are on. Anyway, I am going home for the weekend, so progress is going to slow down.
  16. Sure. I'm just not going to use it.
  17. Already done. Its called MyTime. I'd rather not do it until I get the train in though because there might be a define objects limit for SA.
  18. Seeing as the limit for attached objects is 470 and the time circuits have what MMDDYYYY HH:MM AM thats 12 + colon + AM/PM flag = 14 * 3 = 42 objects to attach. Well under the limit. Might do that next, or might play with fire next.