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Everything posted by TranceLikeState

  1. say blue, what do you recommend setting the streaming memory too?
  2. ok, i didnt know if you meant something diff.
  3. wow, i'm sorry it's a little early. what are you talking about?
  4. i'm sure not, as we all know your like the houdini of the modding world.
  5. thnx! haha. this opens the door to many possibilities for me.
  6. which is what i did, except then i experienced the shutdown/crash after 5 seconds just like we were experiencing in the SA BTTF mod originally. it just shuts off after 5 secs. no message or anything. so, did you adjust the col file limit at all?
  7. i didnt think that worked, as i have used the exe and sa limit adjuster from gta united and settings on a game with 4 models as a test and it crashed. if u'd like to share that little secret i'd like to know how.
  8. yeah, i'm waiting for mr fusion to fix the windows, then i will. blue, u are adding that many more models without a crash? how? limit adjuster?
  9. yeah. complex model. i am a huge superman fan and strongly dislike smallville.
  10. i'd like to but i've had to split it into like 14 diff models. my game crashes if i load more than 3 with SA.
  11. alrighty i suppose i figured since it was a txt file i would just use notepad
  12. i didnt compile it in sanny builder i just used notepad to change it. i guess i should use sannybuilder?
  13. well, there is always more work to do, but if you would like to play it i could post a link.
  14. thnx pal! it means a lot. although all i did was convert it which was a ton of work but i did not model it and yes the first hill valley map was far from perfect. there wasnt even a basic shape to resemble lions on the clock tower. although i'm not complaining.
  15. yeah, i have said this time and time again. i am aware of its quality. i didnt make it. it was supposed to be a little 1 night project that turned out to be a lot more work. anyways. consider it a stuntzone instead of an actual map thats what i do.
  16. is that the model from google warehouse? i put that in san andreas. some time ago. http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=5812
  17. ehhh, so dexx sent me a PM back and told me to just keep increasing the size, but i made it as large as it will go and still no light. lame bra.
  18. ok, so look how bright this building is after prelighting. the deloreans headlights are shining on it and it looks cool, but so bright. is it supposed to be so bright? all the buildings light up like that when headlights hit them. also i scaled it up as previously suggested.
  19. hm, i changed it in mine and it didnt do anything
  20. is this supposed to enable mr fusion on the new source code?
  21. yeah it could be bigger i think, its just like i said some buildings are already big while others are small, but i'll check it out.
  22. yeah, i know it needs work, and of course i imported a car for scale. the prob is the model isnt uniformly scale to begin with. one door is super tall, one is tiny. and yes i did say it needed prelighting oh and as far as the col, it was real bad but it's almost perfect now. just some tiny bugs. and of course i had to convert them in max. yeah it has bad textures but i didnt make this sucker do you think the scale is too small?
  23. ok so i have my model. i create an omni light, put it where i want it then link it. i hit add light info and go to the script window and go to setup/ edit lights. i select the size i want keeping the default type for now. i hit apply to lights, export the dff, and export the light data. i open rw analyzer, and go through the process you said previously. that about do it?
  24. it should but doesnt i appreciate the tips though. i have done those things already. how bout this, when your exporting the dff from max what do you select? both items? the model only?